Python pandas for reading in file with date -

in dataframe below, 3rd line header , y, m , d columns giving year month , day respectively. however, not able read them in using code:

df = pandas.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2, index_col='datetime',                   parse_dates={'datetime': [0,1,2]},                   date_parser=lambda x: pandas.datetime.strptime(x, '%y %m %d')) 

         oth-000.opc               xkn1=    0.500000e-01     y   m   d     prcp     vwc1      2006   1   1      0.0  0.17608e+00  2006   1   2      6.0  0.21377e+00  2006   1   3      0.1  0.22291e+00  2006   1   4      3.0  0.23460e+00  2006   1   5      6.7  0.26076e+00 

i keyerror: list index out of range. suggestions?

the default separator in read_csv comma. file doesn't use commas separators, you're getting 1 big column:

>>> pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2)        y   m   d     prcp     vwc1     0   2006   1   1      0.0  0.17608e+00 1   2006   1   2      6.0  0.21377e+00 2   2006   1   3      0.1  0.22291e+00 3   2006   1   4      3.0  0.23460e+00 4   2006   1   5      6.7  0.26076e+00 >>> pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2).columns index([u'    y   m   d     prcp     vwc1    '], dtype='object') 

you should able use delim_whitespace=true:

>>> df = pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2, delim_whitespace=true,                      parse_dates={"datetime": [0,1,2]}, index_col="datetime") >>> df             prcp     vwc1 datetime                  2006-01-01   0.0  0.17608 2006-01-02   6.0  0.21377 2006-01-03   0.1  0.22291 2006-01-04   3.0  0.23460 2006-01-05   6.7  0.26076 >>> df.index <class 'pandas.tseries.index.datetimeindex'> [2006-01-01, ..., 2006-01-05] length: 5, freq: none, timezone: none 

(i didn't specify date_parser, because i'm lazy , read correctly default, it's not bad habit explicit.)


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