java - UML - How would you draw a try catch in a sequence diagram? -

is there standard way of drawing try catch sequence diagrams? i've made attempt based on this feel end result doesn't feel right.

code diagram based around:

public static void save () {         try {             filehandle filehandle = gdx.files.external(file);              filehandle.writestring(boolean.tostring(constantshandler.soundenabled)+"\n", false);             (int = 0; < 5; i++) {                 filehandle.writestring(integer.tostring(constantshandler.highscores[i])+"\n", true);             }         } catch (throwable e) {         }     } 

my attempt enter image description here

note: know still need add loop.

that's ok. fragments meant show conditional control flow in sequence diagram. superstructures puts limitations on use of fragments (see pp. 467 of ss2.1.1). should use critical region try part above. , option catch.

however, keep telling can take quite freedom in using uml. it's language , such changes in life time. long reader gets idea want express, perfect.


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