
Showing posts from August, 2015

How can I add a Web User Control to a Visual Studio 2013 Project? Option in menu not available -

i'm using visual studio 2013 v 12.0.3 i've created folder inside project , when right-click on folder , select "add", i'm not seeing "web user control" in menu. know how can back? it's typically listed right below "web form". to find template, following: right-click in project wish add -> add -> new item when add new item dialog appears, type "web user control" (or whatever) in search box in upper right hand corner in case, "web user control" should show correct template. mentioned in comments, there's 1 flavor of web user controls, , that's web forms.

A standalone compiler for CoffeeScript? -

i'm writing simple game engine that's based on coffeescript , i've been wondering if there's standalone version of compiler, user wouldn't have install both node.js , coffeescript. if, say, end product expected functional software package, can include whatever external dependencies need directly in product - package. this standard os x , apps downloaded app store (mainly) - each downloaded app contains own binary, may contain other required binaries well. games architected way (the obvious deviations being directx , .net runtimes need installed directly system). alternatively, if target platform windows, package node.js installer own installer.

Check if a file is not open( not used by other process) in Python -

i application, have below requests: 1. there has 1 thread regularly record logs in file. log file rollovered in interval. keeping log files small. 2. there has thread regularly process these log files. ex: move log files other place, parse log's content generate log reports. but, there has condition second thread can not process log file that's using record log. in code side, pseudocode similars below: #code in second thread process log files logfile in os.listdir(logfolder): if not file_is_open(logfile) or file_is_use(logfile): processlogfile(logfile) # move log file other place, , generate log report.... so, how check file open or used other process? did research in internet. , have results: try: myfile = open(filename, "r+") # or "a+", whatever need except ioerror: print "could not open file! please close excel!" i tried code, doesn't work, no matter use "r+" or "a+" flag try: os.r...

android - Use one admob account with two google play accounts? -

i have own google play developer account , admob account. sold app company. want use app promote company products , services. so, must publish app company google play account. on behalf, want include own admob ad ids inside app. i use admob account own gp well. in short, can use 1 admob account 2 gps? google ban me this?! thanks. of course, can. admob policies not prohibit this. have 2 google play accounts(one purely apps , other games), both linked 1 admob account , far(4yrs) we've had no issues. however, if app suspended on play store due violation, admob disable ad serving

python - Why is Pandas Concatenation (pandas.concat) so Memory Inefficient? -

i have 30 gb of data (in list of 900 dataframes) attempting concatenate together. machine working moderately powerful linux box 256 gb of ram. however, when try concatenate files run out of available ram. have tried sorts of workarounds fix (concatenating in smaller batches loops, etc.) still cannot these concatenate. 2 questions spring mind: has else dealt , found effective workaround? cannot use straight append because need 'column merging' (for lack of better word) functionality of join='outer' argument in pd.concat() . why pandas concatenation (which know calling numpy.concatenate ) inefficient use of memory? i should note not think problem explosion of columns concatenating 100 of dataframes gives 3000 columns whereas base dataframe has 1000. edit: the data working financial data 1000 columns wide , 50,000 rows deep each of 900 dataframes. types of data going across left right are: date in string format, string np.float int ... , on repeati...

java - Why am I getting intent.REGISTRATION with Google Cloud Messaging -

i have been trying implement gcm android app. however, after following tutorial i'm getting intent type registration "unregistered" although expect data. @ start of app i'm registering without problem , receive registration id send server. use amazon sns. broadcastreceiver , intentservice in separate package inside main package. manifest: package="my.main.package"> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_coarse_location" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_fine_location" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_wifi_state" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.get_accounts" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet" /> <uses-pe...

javascript - Google maps - how to add marker without layout refresh -

have problem marker adding. var marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: mylatlng, title:"hello world!" }); // add marker map, call setmap(); marker.setmap(map); simple example, each seconds put marker, page not reloading, reloading layout , see effect of map reload. it possible put marker smoothly. but on page working fine, planes flying , no effect of map reload. make marker , map global. don't recreate map every time, move marker. var map, marker, mylatlng; setinterval(function () { if (!marker || !marker.setposition) { marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: mylatlng, title: "hello world!" }); // add marker map, call setmap(); marker.setmap(map); } else { marker.setposition(mylatlng); } }, 5000); updated fiddle

node.js/typescript can not find local module -

when try import local file either throws error @ runtime compiling using tsc works. when make work node.js, typescript throws error @ compile time. when do import = require("./a"); node.js complains, can not find module , typescript compiles fine. but when change to import = require("./js/a"); node.js can find module typescript tells me there error. the layout this: js \- a.ts \- b.ts i compile files separately , tried searching changing root directory typescript compiler couldn't find anything. without seeing how compiling typescript, , without seeing how attempting require() these files node, it's hard answer question. even so, can tell both typescript , node.js expecting require() given path relative file doing require . if have js/a.ts looked so: import b = require("./b"); console.log(b.thing); and js/b.ts looked so: var mystuff = { thing: "i'm thing!" } export = mystuff; i compile...

data mining - r : Why is removeSparseTerms() not doing anything? -

why removesparseterms() not removing terms? words single occurrence (etc.) should removed. (r v. 3.2) > docs <- tm_map(docs, stemdocument) > dtm <- documenttermmatrix(docs) > freq <- colsums(as.matrix(dtm)) > ord <- order(freq) > freq[tail(ord)] 1 experi can lucid dream 287 312 363 452 1018 2413 > freq[head(ord)] abbey abdomin abdu abraham absent abus 1 1 1 1 1 1 > dim(dtm) [1] 1 5265 > dtms <- removesparseterms(dtm, 0.1) > dim(dtms) [1] 1 5265 > dtms <- removesparseterms(dtm, 0.001) > dim(dtms) [1] 1 5265 > dtms <- removesparseterms(dtm, 0.9) > dim(dtms) [1] 1 5265 > (the corpus single document, text version of book.) the reason have 1 document, sparseness doesn't change change threshold. run these lines , see effect: data("crude") tdm <- termdocumentmatrix(crude) dtm <- documenttermmatrix(crude[1]) # pick first article (docu...

android - dynamically create button under dynamically created table -

i create table dynamically: the header void addheader() { /** create tablerow dynamically **/ tr = new tablerow(this); /** creating textview add row **/ label = new textview(this); label.settext("inventarnummer"); label.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content, layoutparams.wrap_content)); label.setpadding(5, 5, 5, 5); linearlayout ll = new linearlayout(this); linearlayout.layoutparams params = new linearlayout.layoutparams( layoutparams.fill_parent, layoutparams.wrap_content); params.setmargins(5, 5, 5, 5); // ll.setpadding(10, 5, 5, 5); ll.addview(label, params); tr.addview((view) ll); // adding textview tablerow. /** creating qty button **/ textview place = new textview(this); place.settext("bezeichnung"); place.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content, ...

ios - NSArray in NSArray addobject String -

i know how add object in single array [array addobject:@"lastname"] but have array have 2 more sub-array.i want create third sub-array , add lastname in array how can that in advance a litte more detailed: nsarray *subarray1 = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"a", @"b", @"c", nil]; nsarray *subarray2 = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"d", @"e", @"f", nil]; nsmutablearray *mainarray = [nsmutablearray arraywithobjects:subarray1, subarray2, nil]; nsarray *subarray3 = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"g", @"h", @"i", nil]; [mainarray addobject:subarray3]; good luck ;)

positioning text using itextSharp in C3 -

i trying generate pdf on button click. having challenge design page. if can on, how position text in particular position. say want address in top right corner , heading in center. here code working on: private void pdf_btn_click(object sender, eventargs e) { savefiledialog svg = new savefiledialog(); svg.showdialog(); using (filestream stream = new filestream(svg.filename + ".pdf", filemode.create)) { // create document object var document = new document(pagesize.a4, 50, 50, 25, 25); // create new pdfwrite object, writing output memorystream // var output = new memorystream(); var writer = pdfwriter.getinstance(document, stream);; // first, create our fonts... (for more on working w/fonts in itextsharp, see: var titlefont = fontfactory.getfont("arial", 18, convert.toint32(font...

c++ - If a winsock2 socket is non-blocking, would an SSL object associated with it also exhibit non-blocking behavior? -

i'm asking question because unsure whether ssl object treats socket sink/source messages bio object. gut telling me yes, i'm not certain. goal: integrating ssl authentication existing tcp code. rather calling conventional send()/receive(), direct messages through openssl's ssl_read()/ssl_write() instead. other requirement communication non-blocking , data can partially sent. here's how i've associated ssl object socket (server code). ssl_init(std::wstring &peer_hostname, socket sock){ //... //initialize ssl structure ssl = ssl_new(context); if (ssl == null){ mr = appzreturn(e_fail, l"%ls (%d) : ssl_new failed. unable create ssl structure", __functionw__, __line__); } //agent uses winsock class, openssl uses unix socket. surpressed warning added here 4244. works if (ssl_set_fd(ssl, sock) == 0){ //set file descriptor ssl ...

mysql - How to deal with several columns linking the same entity -

this example schema database. have following table called recipes: id | author_name | recipe1_id | recipe2_id | recipe3_id all recipes relations recipes_ingredients table: id | recipe_id | ingredient1 | ingredient2 | ingredient3 right 3 joins on recipe1_id recipe3_id this: select recipe1.ingredient1 recipe1ingredient1, recipe1.ingredient2 recipe1ingredient2, recipe1.ingredient3 recipe1ingredient3, [...] recipes inner join recipe recipe1 on (recipes.recipe1_id = inner join recipe recipe2 on (recipes.recipe2_id = inner join recipe recipe3 on (recipes.recipe3_id = to map 3 recipes 1 bean in mybatis, have 3 resultsmaps map each recipe recipe object (recipe1, recipe2, recipe3) containing 3 ingredients. but: want have recipes in list. how achieve that? ps: sure, have 3 entities in table recipes , table recipes_ingredients. never change, don't see reason have in n:m table. i think work. <resultmap id="recipe1"...

javascript - How to get the height and width of an iframe -

how height , width of iframe , executing script outside iframe ? i want find dimensions. javascript solutions welcomed. using jquery: $('iframe').height(); $('iframe').width(); edit elaborating on quick , dirty answer above. .height() , .width() give element's height , width without padding, border or margin. if want include padding , border need use .innerheight() , .innerwidth() . example below: $('iframe').innerheight(); $('iframe').innerwidth(); if want include padding , border , margin need use .outerheight() , .outerwidth() . example below: $('iframe').outerheight(); $('iframe').outerwidth(); links methods above:

python - Django: overriding save() method in model -

i'm trying override save() method field views of class category accepts positive numbers or zero. (it's exercise tango django 1.7 chapter 20 ) class category(models.model): name = models.charfield(max_length=128, unique=true) views = models.integerfield(default=0) = models.integerfield(default=0) slug = models.slugfield(unique=true) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.slug = slugify( if self.views < 0: return else: self.slug = slugify( super(category, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return class meta: verbose_name_plural = "categories" class categorymethodtests(testcase): def test_ensure_views_are_positive(self): """ ensure_views_are_positive should return true categories views 0 or positive """ cat = category(name...

.htaccess - htaccess filesmatch(htm|html|php) except two specific files? -

i want automatically add x-robots-tag header php, htm, html pages except /index.php , forgot.php . this cover of them: <filesmatch "\.(htm|html|php)$"> <ifmodule mod_headers.c> header set x-robots-tag "noindex, nofollow" </ifmodule> </filesmatch> but how can exclude /index.php , /forgot.php filesmatch directive? what want : valid .htm, .html, .php files exclude /index.(htm|html|php) , /forgot.(htm|html|php) , not */index.php should valid. hopefully makes sense... want exclude 2 specific files @ base of site. update: playing around on tester , still have issues : (?!.*/(index.php|forgot))(^.*\.(php|htm|html)$) this excluding urls i looking @ wrong whole time. here using : # begin noindex,nofollow on login , forgot page <ifmodule mod_env.c> rewriterule ^(index\.php|forgot\.php)$ - [e=exclude:1] <filesmatch "\.(php|html?)$"...

twitter bootstrap - Generating Forms for Lumen -

i'm searching pretty way html forms lumen framework. i've tried former ( ), 4.0 branch , couldn't working @ (tell me if , i'm wrong) lumen (some class path.config not exist - did try , same?). how can forms generated framework (i use bootstrap forms)? thank in advance this issue must fixed package's developer or can send try , fork project if want. there few packages supporting lumen framework now. note: i've opened issue asking lumen compatibility linking following conversation . - simple solution not use helpers defined illuminate/foundation. allow usage in app uses laravel components. i'd recommend that. :) - @grahamcampbell what's better way config path? - resolve 'path.config' ioc container.

Archive failed - no reason - Xcode 6 with Screen shot of archictures -

im trying archive ios application fails during archiving, there no hint may be. way find out? ive provided image of build settings incase issue lies here: update app builds on device. (iphone 5s , 6) i managed fix issue. thought issue architecture, removed arm64 valid architectures. allowed me archive app. however decided 1 last build on device before submitting app store , noticed not build (would not build on iphone 5s running ios8.3). this flagged error when trying build, had: #ifndef debug sec_is_being_debugged_return_nil(); #endif in code, felt needed in order deter debugging unauthorised individual. removed line, added 'arm64' 'valid architectures' , archived without issue (it ran on device again). reason, 'arm64' allowed above code when running on device believe, not archive. hope saves :)

jboss - Drools rules categorization -

i looking way categorize rules in drl files , determine category/ categories of rules fired. i see drools guvnor documentation has categorization . however, unclear me if metadata maintained guvnor or if part of drl file/ rules execution. have not been able find sample drl file category mentioned in it. and, way determine category/ categories of rules got fired. i aware of activation-group doesn't quite fit need since once rule in activation-group fires other rules in group not evaluated. thanks the best way classify rules via metadata. metadata entry added rule: rule metademo @meta2( 123 ) @meta3( foo ) @meta4( "foo" ) when...then...end you access metadata via rule, obtained package or event: for( rule rule: kpackage.getrules() ){ map<string,object> key2meta = rule.getmetadata(); for( map.entry<string,object> entry: key2meta.entrys...

java - Access HttpServletRequest object inside Aspect. Which one is better solution between two solutions mentioned -

while trying request object in aspect found 2 solutions. know performance wise 1 better. here details. i wanted execute myaspectmethod methods annotated '@myannotation'. ever spring finds @myannotation @ method level myaspectmethod executed using request object perform business logic. request found 2 solutions inject request object in aspect class like below @aspect public class myaspect { @autowired(required = true) **private httpservletrequest request;** @around("@annotation(myannotation)") public object myaspectmethod(proceedingjoinpoint pjp, myannotation myannotation) throws throwable { // request object } } by sending request object argument in annotated method , access thru argument list received access request in aspect @requestmapping(method = { requestmethod.get }, value = "/something") @myannotation public object myannotatedmethod(**httpservletrequest request**) { //....some business logic } @aspe...

c++ - How to hide application on taskbar? -

i trying hide qt application taskbar? cannot find in google asking here. solution qt hide taskbar item ( qt hide taskbar item ) , this->hide() not helping. main.cpp #include "status_bar.h" #include <qapplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qapplication a(argc, argv); status_bar w;; return a.exec(); } status_bar.cpp: #include "status_bar.h" #include "ui_status_bar.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <qtime> #include <qtimer> #include <qapplication> #include <qdesktopwidget> status_bar::status_bar(qwidget *parent) : qmainwindow(parent), ui(new ui::status_bar) { ui->setupui(this); setwindowflags(qt::window | qt::framelesswindowhint | qt::windowstaysontophint); resize(qapplication::desktop()->width(),36); ui->time->move(qapplication::desktop()->width()-ui->time->size().width...

ios - UITableViewController is not scrolling -

i have uitableviewcontroller not scroll. after researching online found table view subclass of scroll view , allow scrolling after 10 items in list. however, have custom cells large (~300px) 2 goes beyond screen. how can table view scroll less 10 items since cells large.

html - Javascript | Link/Bookmarklet to replace current window location -

i work 3 variations of web page, 1) dev url, 2) preview/staging url, , 3) , live url. i create link (bookmarklet?) can add bookmarks bar change part of url string (basically before page name) , load resulting url in new tab (or same tab if easier). example: working on page dev url: i able click link , have page reload , return following staging url in same or new window/tab: and if click link again, page reload , return following live url in same or new window/tab: and if click link again, page reload , return following dev url in same or new window/tab: so, avoid lot of cut/copy , paste when changing through these variations of url while developing, testing, , visiting live versions of page. here far.. stuck on basic aspect of it, if on dev page, reload preview page: a variation of me...

opencv - How to capture image from video when right button of mouse is clicked in open cv c++ -

i working open cv , facing problem in capturing image video. basic need when video running in open cv ,as click right button of mouse program should capture image video image should saved @ location. after on saved image have perform further image processing. please 1 me. this simple. need mouse callback, write image, , running clip, therefore code question. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> cv::mat currentframe; static void onmouse( int event, int x, int y, int, void* ) { static int count(0); if ( event == cv::event_rbuttondown ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << count; std::string countstr = ss.str(); std::string imagename = "image_" + countstr; std::string fullpath = "/home/xxxx/" + imagename + ".jpg"; cv::imwrite( fullpath, currentframe ); std::cout <...

WITH CLAUSE in Netezza -

unable use join inside clause with empcte(empid, empname, mgrid, lvl) ( -- anchor member (am) select empid, empname, mgrid, 0 employees empid = 7 union -- recursive member (rm) select e.empid, e.empname, e.mgrid, m.lvl+1 employees e join empcte m on e.mgrid = m.empid ) select * empcte e order e.empid error [42s02] error: relation not exist admin.empcte can 1 please give alternate solutions ..thanks the problem here not join, referencing cte within own definition. netezza not (as of v7.2) support recursive cte/with expressions.

MS RMS SQL Server Database error -

we have had issue our rms_headquarters(front end application access database) database running on sql express 2005. after checking event log on server, came across few errors related hard disk , sqlserver. disk error snapshot sqlexpress error i have executed 2 commands follows find out error in disk or on sql database. chkdsk : system found bad sectors on hard disk ran code without /f information. dbcc checkdb all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs , outcome below. i ran chkdsk /f resolve disk error. command helped hq database , running (application working fine point). ran dbcc checkdb all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs on sql server check database status. dbcc executed few errors, please see below. msg 8928, level 16, state 1, line 1 object id 1429580131, index id 1, partition id 72057598907908096, alloc unit id 72057598960730112 (type in-row data): page (1:235150) not processed. see other errors details. msg 8941, level 16, state 2, line 1 table error: object id 1429580131, i...

java - Appengine custom domain sometimes redirecting to -

i have appengine application written in java gwt frontend. i have own dns configured, through "domains" in google admin console, point appengine application. configuration have been working 3 years. starting 3 weeks ago, me , testing users started witness sporadic redirections (302) when typing our domain. nothing related requests appears on appengine log, so, i'm assuming it's not problem related project or configuration in appengine. also, nothing changed in domains (google admin) configuration , dns recently. what strange, problem occurs 1 time per day (sometimes more) , lasts minutes. doesn't occur @ same time and, when problem occurs, opening in browser or smartphone works fine. after minutes starts work in browser. anyone have clue on what's going on? please see google cloud status dashboard additional information on recent issue custom domains. i not positive whether previous problem occurrences domain caused same prob...

ember.js - How would you bind a dynamic value to a dynamic component in Handlebars/EmberJS -

i'm creating dynamic table component (one row per model), include components dynamically (one column each object in config, each object relates key in model). i'm trying bind model key dynamic model. any ideas on how given following? config object: deployment.js (controller) edconfig: { controller: this, modeltype: 'escalationdetailmodelgroup', table: { cols: [{ header: 'escalation time', cname: 'form-input-text', content: { value: model.escalationtime //obviously wont work } },{ header: 'most complex alarm level', field: 'mostcomplexalarmleveldispatched', cname: 'form-input-text', content: { value: model.escalationtime //obviously wont work } }] } }; router model: deployment.js (router) modelrange: [{ id: 1, escalationtime: ...

not linked to but shows in console -

following code used template when run file see error http://localhost:8000/css/ 404 (not found) but there no link made , error shows link on first line can me link how remove link can me this <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>animus blogging category flat bootstarp resposive website template | home :: w3layouts</title> <link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="keywords" content="graphic responsive web template, bootstra...

javascript - Replace td by image depending on value -

i'm working on project using smarty. want display results of array on web page, , replace '1' results image, , '0' results another. can far results want need replacement , don't know if it's possible , if is, how manage it. here's part of php code: for ($c=0; $c<count($alpo); $c++){ $apg['p_i'] = $alpo[$c]['p_i']; $apg['p_l'] = $alpo[$c]['p_l']; $sga = $alpo[$c]['p_g_a']; ($i=0; $i<count($agid); $i++){ if (strpos($sga , $agid[$i]) !== false){ $sgid = $agid[$i]; $apg[$ag[$sgid ]] = '1'; } else{ $sgid = $agid[$i]; $apg[$ag[$sgid ]] = '0'; } } array_push($apo, $apg); unset($apg); } $smarty->assign("alpo", $apo); and part of .tpl code (html/smarty) ... <div id="display_table_produit_gammes"> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="tbl_datas" id=...

javascript - Variable Polyline Weight with GEOJSON in Leaflet -

here entire html document: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>top 5 importers of tungsten</title> <!--imports stylesheet leaflet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <!-- import jquery, common javascript library providing hundreds of functions --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <style> @font-face { font-family: planewalker; src: url(''); } a:link{text-decoration: none;color:#0000ff;} a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#0000ff;} a:hover{color:#990000;text-decoration:none;} #map { width: 1200px; height: 600px; border: black solid 2px; ...

Spring Data mongo profiling data -

is possible profiling data spring data mongo db layer. i know if use this: can degree of info out of application. i custom write aspect measure queries , operations. however, looking built in functionality. there via jmx or like? thanks in advance i searched around quite bit , not find thing created mechanism track timing , metrics mongo. given using elk gather log , metrics data, added annotation , aspect track timings. put on whatever wanted measure connects our mongo methods. gather data , puts them in logs , through kibana can see access under load mongo on each type of access. this annotation @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @target({elementtype.method, elementtype.type}) public @interface timedmethod { } this aspect: @component() @slf4j(topic="") @aspect public class timedmethodaspect { @around("@annotation(com.cis...