javascript - Variable Polyline Weight with GEOJSON in Leaflet -

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<!doctype html> <html> <head>     <title>top 5 importers of tungsten</title>      <!--imports stylesheet leaflet -->      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />      <!-- import jquery, common javascript library providing hundreds of functions -->     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      <style>         @font-face {             font-family: planewalker;             src: url('');         }          a:link{text-decoration: none;color:#0000ff;}         a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#0000ff;}         a:hover{color:#990000;text-decoration:none;}          #map {             width: 1200px;             height: 600px;             border: black solid 2px;             display: block;             margin-left: auto;             margin-right: auto;         }          #map2 {             width: 1000px;             height: 550px;             border: black solid 2px;             display: block;             margin-left: auto;             margin-right: auto;         }          #map3 {             width: 1000px; 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width: 1200px; height: 600px;"></div>     <br> <!--div canada mines map-->     <div id="map2" style="position: relative; width: 1000px; height: 550px;"><img src="" height="550" width="1000"></div>     <br> <!--div china mines map-->     <div id="map3" style="position: relative; width: 1000px; height: 550px;"><img src="" height="550" width="1000"></div>      <script src=""></script>      <!-- imports colorbrewer library, containing many pre-designed color schemes -->     <script src="colorbrewer.js"></script> <!--geojsons import line map-->     <script src="chn_crossf.geojson"></script>     <script src="deu_crossf.geojson"></script>     <script src="fra_crossf.geojson"></script>     <script src="jpn_crossf.geojson"></script>     <script src="us_crossf.geojson"></script>  <!--import line map-->     <script>          var southwest = new l.latlng(80, -900),             northeast = new l.latlng(-80, 900),             bounds = new l.latlngbounds(southwest, northeast);             //can add "maxbounds: bounds" stop map @ certian point; add in {}         var map ='map',{             worldcopyjump:true,             continuousworld:false,             nowrap:false,             minzoom:3,             inertia:false,             maxbounds:bounds             }).setview([35.460669951495305, -21.796875], 3); //starting map location          //sets basemap         l.tilelayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {             maxzoom: 18,             attribution: '&copy; <a href="">openstreetmap</a> contributors, &copy; <a href="">cartodb</a>',             id: ''         }).addto(map);      //weight & color china         function getstyle1(feature){             var weight;               if ( > 30000000) {weight = 20;}               else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 18;}               else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 16;}               else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 14;}               else if ( > 500000) {weight = 12;}               else if ( > 100000) {weight = 10;}               else if ( > 1000) {weight = 8;}               else if ( > 1) {weight = 6;};              return {                 color: 'red',                 weight: weight               }         };          var chnimports = l.geojson(chn, {             style: getstyle1,             oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {                 layer.bindpopup("<b>"+"import partner: ""</b>"+ "<br />dollar value of imports china: " +;             },             pointtolayer: function (feature, latlng) {                 return l.polyline(latlng);             }         }).addto(map);      //weight , color germany         function getstyle2(feature){             var weight;               if ( > 30000000) {weight = 20;}               else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 18;}               else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 16;}               else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 14;}               else if ( > 500000) {weight = 12;}               else if ( > 100000) {weight = 10;}               else if ( > 1000) {weight = 8;}               else if ( > 1) {weight = 6;};              return {                 color: '#00ff00',                 weight: weight               }         };          var deuimports = l.geojson(deu, {             style: getstyle2,             oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {                 layer.bindpopup("<b>"+"import partner: ""</b>"+ "<br />dollar value of imports germany: " +;             },             pointtolayer: function (feature, latlng) {                 return l.polyline(latlng);             }         }).addto(map);      //weight , color france         function getstyle3(feature){                 var weight;                   if ( > 30000000) {weight = 20;}                   else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 18;}                   else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 16;}                   else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 14;}                   else if ( > 500000) {weight = 12;}                   else if ( > 100000) {weight = 10;}                   else if ( > 1000) {weight = 8;}                   else if ( > 1) {weight = 6;};                  return {                     color: 'white',                     weight: weight                   }         };          var fraimports = l.geojson(fra, {             style: getstyle3,             oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {                 layer.bindpopup("<b>"+"import partner: ""</b>"+ "<br />dollar value of imports france: " +;             },             pointtolayer: function (feature, latlng) {                 return l.polyline(latlng);             }         }).addto(map);      //weight , color japan         function getstyle4(feature){                 var weight;                   if ( > 30000000) {weight = 20;}                   else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 18;}                   else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 16;}                   else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 14;}                   else if ( > 500000) {weight = 12;}                   else if ( > 100000) {weight = 10;}                   else if ( > 1000) {weight = 8;}                   else if ( > 1) {weight = 6;};                  return {                     color: 'yellow',                     weight: weight                   }         };          var jpnimports = l.geojson(jpn, {             style: getstyle4,             oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {                 layer.bindpopup("<b>"+"import partner: ""</b>"+ "<br />dollar value of imports japan: " +;             },             pointtolayer: function (feature, latlng) {                 return l.polyline(latlng);             }         }).addto(map);      //weight , color         function getstyle5(feature){                 var weight;                   if ( > 30000000) {weight = 20;}                   else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 18;}                   else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 16;}                   else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 14;}                   else if ( > 500000) {weight = 12;}                   else if ( > 100000) {weight = 10;}                   else if ( > 1000) {weight = 8;}                   else if ( > 1) {weight = 6;};                  return {                     color: '#0000ff',                     weight: weight                   }         };          var usimports = l.geojson(us, {             style: getstyle5,             oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {                 layer.bindpopup("<b>"+"import partner: ""</b>"+ "<br />dollar value of imports us: " +;             },             pointtolayer: function (feature, latlng) {                 return l.polyline(latlng);             }         }).addto(map);      //icons countries~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:         //north america points             var canicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([56.130366,-106.346771],{icon:canicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>canada</b>");             l.marker([56.130366,253.653229],{icon:canicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>canada</b>");              var usicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([37.09024,-95.712891],{icon:usicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>united states</b>");             l.marker([37.09024,264.287109],{icon:usicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>united states</b>");              var mexicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([23.634501,-102.552784],{icon:mexicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>mexico</b>");             l.marker([23.634501,257.447216],{icon:mexicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>mexico</b>");          //south america points             var bolicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-16.290154,-63.588653],{icon:bolicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>bolivia</b>");             l.marker([-16.290154,296.411347],{icon:bolicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>bolivia</b>");              var braicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-14.235004,-51.92528],{icon:braicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>brazil</b>");             l.marker([-14.235004,308.07472],{icon:braicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>brazil</b>");              var colicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([4.570868,-74.297333],{icon:colicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>colombia</b>");             l.marker([4.570868,285.702667],{icon:colicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>colombia</b>");              var pericon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-9.189967,-75.015152],{icon:pericon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>peru</b>");             l.marker([-9.189967,284.984848],{icon:pericon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>peru</b>");              var chlicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-35.675147,-71.542969],{icon:chlicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>chile</b>");             l.marker([-35.675147,288.457031],{icon:chlicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>chile</b>");          //europe points             var poricon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([39.399872,-8.224454],{icon:poricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>portugal</b>");              var espicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([40.463667,-3.74922],{icon:espicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>spain</b>");              var fraicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([46.227638,2.213749],{icon:fraicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>france</b>");              var deuicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([51.165691,10.451526],{icon:deuicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>germany</b>");              var gbricon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '$file/united%20kingdom%20flag.png',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([55.378051,-3.435973],{icon:gbricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>united kingdom</b>");              var belicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([50.503887,4.469936],{icon:belicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>belgium</b>");              var turicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([38.963745,35.243322],{icon:turicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>turkey</b>");              var cheicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([46.818188,8.227512],{icon:cheicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>switzerland</b>");              var esticon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([58.595272,25.013607],{icon:esticon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>estonia</b>");          //middle east icons             var isricon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([31.046051,34.851612],{icon:isricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>israel</b>");          //africa icons              var rwaicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-1.940278,29.873888],{icon:rwaicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>rwanda</b>");              var ngaicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([9.081999,8.675277],{icon:ngaicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>nigeria</b>");              var briicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-3.373056,29.918886],{icon:briicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>burundi</b>");              var dzaicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([28.033886,1.659626],{icon:dzaicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>algeria</b>");          //asia icons              var rusicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([61.52401,105.318756],{icon:rusicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>russia</b>");             l.marker([61.52401,-254.681244],{icon:rusicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>russia</b>");              var chnicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([35.86166,104.195397],{icon:chnicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>china</b>");             l.marker([35.86166,-255.804603],{icon:chnicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>china</b>");              var monicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([46.862496,103.846656],{icon:monicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>mongolia</b>");             l.marker([46.862496,-256.153344],{icon:monicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>mongolia</b>");              var phlicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([12.879721,121.774017],{icon:phlicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>philippines</b>");             l.marker([12.879721,-238.225983],{icon:phlicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>philippines</b>");              var mmricon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([21.913965,95.956223],{icon:mmricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>myanmar</b>");             l.marker([21.913965,-264.043777],{icon:mmricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>myanmar</b>");              var vnmicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([14.058324,108.277199],{icon:vnmicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>vietnam</b>");             l.marker([14.058324,-251.722801],{icon:vnmicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>vietnam</b>");              var thaicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([15.870032,100.992541],{icon:thaicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>thailand</b>");             l.marker([15.870032,-259.007459],{icon:thaicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>thailand</b>");              var prkicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([40.339852,127.510093],{icon:prkicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>democratic people's republic of korea</b>")             l.marker([40.339852,-232.489907],{icon:prkicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>democratic people's republic of korea</b>")              var koricon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([35.907757,127.766922],{icon:koricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>republic of korea</b>")             l.marker([35.907757,-232.233078],{icon:koricon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>republic of korea</b>")              var jpnicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([36.204824,138.252924],{icon:jpnicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>japan</b>")             l.marker([36.204824,-221.747076],{icon:jpnicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>japan</b>")          //australia icons              var ausicon = l.icon({                 iconurl: '',                 iconsize: [35,35],                 iconanchor: [17.5,17.5],                 });             l.marker([-25.274398,133.775136],{icon:ausicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>australia</b>")             l.marker([-25.274398,-226.224864],{icon:ausicon}).addto(map)                 .bindpopup("<b>australia</b>")          //sets layer control         var overlay_layers = {             "chinese imports of tungsten": chnimports,             "german imports of tungsten": deuimports,             "french imports of tungsten": fraimports,             "japanese imports of tungsten": jpnimports,             "united states imports of tungsten": usimports         }         l.control.layers(null, overlay_layers).addto(map);      </script>  <br> <br>     <p id="footer"></p> </body> </html> 

here dropbox link geojsons if see them (hopefully works intended , people can download them):

i have been working on project create flowmap in leaflet using geojson polylines. have become acquainted javascript , leaflet. here example of make (my map uses rhumb lines , interactive):

flowmap example

here updated , working function changes polyline weight based on 'value' geojson file (credit hinrich & jonathan help!):

function getstyle1(feature){             var weight;               if ( > 30000000) {weight = 20;}               else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 18;}               else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 16;}               else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 14;}               else if ( > 500000) {weight = 12;}               else if ( > 100000) {weight = 10;}               else if ( > 1000) {weight = 8;}               else if ( > 1) {weight = 6;};              return {                 color: 'red',                 weight: weight               }         };          var chnimports = l.geojson(chn, {             style: getstyle1,             oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {                 layer.bindpopup("<b>"+"import partner: ""</b>"+ "<br />dollar value of imports china: " +;             },             pointtolayer: function (feature, latlng) {                 return l.polyline(latlng);             }         }).addto(map); 

the lines vary value , able change color dependent on country popup information not appear when polyline clicked on.

in addition, here sample of geojson file chnimports:

var chn = {"type":"featurecollection","features":[{"type":"feature","properties":{"partner":"algeria","longx":1.659626,"laty":28.033886,"chnlong":104.195397,"chnlat":35.86166,"value":587},"geometry":{"type":"linestring","coordinates":[[1.659626,28.033886],[1.669754918002165,28.034691811007274],[1.679883911463014,28.035497621919983],[1.690012980385739,28.036303432738126],[1.700142124773322,28.037109243461707],[1.710271344628953,28.03791505409072],[1.720400639955684,28.038720864625162],[1.730530010756992,28.039526675065034],[1.74065945703536,28.040332485410335],[1.750788978794404,28.041138295661067],[1.760918576037107,28.041944105817212],[1.771048248766518,28.042749915878783],[1.781177996986042,28.04355572584578],[1.791307820698163,28.044361535718185],[1.801437719906642,28.045167345496015],[1.811567694614244,28.045973155179254],[1.821697744824234,28.04677896476791],[1.831827870539733,28.04758477426198],[1.841958071763792,28.04839058366145],[1.852088348499675,28.04919639296634],[1.862218700750077,28.050002202176625], ...continued on 

thank help!

i think function should return weight. more this:

var getstyle = function(feature){   var weight;   if ( > 30000000) {weight = 8;}   else if ( > 10000000) {weight = 7;}   else if ( > 5000000) {weight = 6;}   else if ( > 1000000) {weight = 5;}   else if ( > 500000) {weight = 4;}   else if ( > 100000) {weight = 3;}   else if ( > 1000) {weight = 2;}   else if ( > 1) {weight = 1;};    return {     color: 'red',     weight: weight   } };  var getpopup = function(feature, layer) {   var content = 'popup content goes here';   layer.bindpopup(content); }; 

try styling , popup part:

var chnimports = l.geojson(chn, {      style: getstyle,     oneachfeature: getpopup }).addto(map); 


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