qt - Include file oddity in ui_mainwindow.h -

in app have oddity in ui_mainwindow.h file include section. last 4 lines of includes looks like

#include <qtwidgets/qwidget> #include <treeviewview.h> #include "logo.h" #include "partslistview.h" 

as can see first line references qt library file ok. second line 1 of files, yet has angle brackets round it. thrid , last lines mine , included properly.

treeviewview.h contains subclass of qtreeview. drop tree view on main window , promote treeviewview. same partslistview, based on qtableview. gets promoted in qt-creator in same way treeview.

the problem having have added new signal real treeviewview.h file. have connect statement connects slot. when run error "no such signal: treeviewview::newslot(qstring, qstring)"

but declared in real header file right next older signal connects in line before new connect line.

i think error somehow related odd inclusion in ui header file.

whether cause of signal connection problem, needs sorting.

if open treeviewview.h file ui_mainwindow.h pointing to, exists , contains code empty class.

as ui_mainwindow.h qt generated file, how sort this?

secondly, how did happen, can avoid doing again?


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