android: how to get memory usage (ram) of a given PID programically -

i want log ram usage of given application @ given time rate. wrote code full memory value used not know how memory usage of given pid.

please me out

this code used memory

 activitymanager localactivitymanager = (activitymanager)getsystemservice("activity");     activitymanager.memoryinfo localmemoryinfo = new activitymanager.memoryinfo();     localactivitymanager.getmemoryinfo(localmemoryinfo);     log.i("",string.valueof(localmemoryinfo.availmem)); 

i think can using public memoryinfo[] getprocessmemoryinfo (int[] pids), not know how code since im android beginer

activitymanager localactivitymanager = (activitymanager)getsystemservice(context.activity_service); // use context.activity_service not literal "activity" list<activitymanager.runningappprocessinfo> procsinfo = localactivitymanager.getrunningappprocesses();  int[] pids = new int[procsinfo.size()]; (int = 0; < procsinfo.size(); i++) {     activitymanager.runningappprocessinfo info = procsinfo.get(i);     pids[i] =; }  debug.memoryinfo[] procsmeminfo = localactivitymanager.getprocessmemoryinfo(pids); // walk procsmeminfo array 

if schedule recurring timer periodically re-query running pids , query memory info can use timestamps compute memory usage on time.


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