ios - Returning a BOOL method inside a block? -

i have bool method returns yes or no inputted string. i'm able return yes or no, cannot seem able make network connection , return yes or no depending on server's response. tried using __block , don't feel wait web request finish, there way return yes or no in success block without giving me error:

incompatible block pointer types sending 'bool(^)(nsurlsessiontask*__strong, nserror __strong' parameter of type 'void(^)(nsurlsessiontask...)

-(bool)customresponseforstring:(nsstring *)text {    __block bool response_available;    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_default, 0), ^{     afhttpsessionmanager *manager = [afhttpsessionmanager manager];     manager.responseserializer = [afhttpresponseserializer serializer];     [manager.responseserializer setacceptablecontenttypes:[nsset setwithobject:@"text/plain"]];     [manager get:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"", text] parameters:nil success:^(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, id responseobject) {          nsdictionary *response = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:responseobject options:nsutf8stringencoding error:nil];         response_available = (bool)response[@"response_available"];         if (response_available) {             [session sendtextsnippet:response[@"response"] temporary:no scrolltotop:no dialogphase:@"summary"];         } else {             response_available = no;         }          [session sendtextsnippet:[[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:responseobject encoding:nsutf8stringencoding] temporary:no scrolltotop:no dialogphase:@"summary"];          [session sendrequestcompleted];      } failure:^(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, nserror *error) {         //return no;     }];  });  return response_available;  } 

your block definition syntax erroneous, because can return bool along other parameters in block.

- (void)fetchcurrentuserwithcompletion:(void (^)(bool success, user *user))completion; 

this method called this:

[self.userprofilecontroller fetchcurrentuserwithcompletion:^(bool success, user *user) {     if (success) {         nslog(@"current user name: %@", user.fullname);     } }]; 

if use afnetworking, check afhttprequestoperation object handle completionblocks:

[requestoperation setcompletionblockwithsuccess:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, id responseobject) {     user *user = [self userfromresponseobject:responseobject];        if (completion) completion(yes, user); } failure:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, nserror *error) {     if (completion) completion(no, user); }]; 


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