javascript - How to refresh ng-repeat on modal close? -

the setup: have page (angular) repeater in it.

<tr ng-repeat="row in results.leads">     <td>{{row.submittedbyname}}</td> 

within repeater, there column button opens modal alter row's data. modal, in turn, has button saving of record, closes current modal, opens new modal, let's user enter comment, saves, , closes modal.

this works great. fantastic.

what doesn't work is... when modal closes, ng-repeat supposed refresh, actions taken in modal remove rows data. if refresh page manually, row vanishes - without refreshing page, nothing happens.

the angular controller: 'use strict';

angular.module('leadapproval.controllers', []).      //this main page core method - data loaded here, , in-table-row buttons work here.     controller('leadapprovalctrl', function ($scope, $location, $modal, api, notificationservice) {         $scope.currentpage = 1;         $scope.pagesize = 13;         $scope.loaded = false;         $scope.totalitems = 0;         $scope.head = {};         $scope.sort = {};         $scope.selectedcls = null;         $scope.changesorting = null;         $scope.setpage = null;         $scope.results = null;          $scope.loadqueue = (function () {             api.queue.load(function (data) {                 if (data.error) {                     notificationservice.error('<h4>an error occurred..</h4>' + data.error);                 } else {                     $scope.results = data;                     $scope.loaded = true;                 }             });         });          $scope.acceptlead = function (leadid) {              var modal = ${                 templateurl: '/content/leadapproval/approved.html',                 controller: 'approvedctrl',                 windowclass: '',                 resolve: { leadid: function () { return leadid; } }             });              modal.result.then(function (result) {                 if (result === 'save') {                     $scope.loadqueue();                     notificationservice.success('lead approved.');                 }             });         }          $scope.searchlead = function (id) {             $location.path('search/' + id);         }          $scope.rejectlead = function (leadid) {             var modal = ${                 templateurl: '/content/leadapproval/notapproved.html',                 controller: 'notapprovedctrl',                 windowclass: '',                 resolve: { leadid: function () { return leadid; } }             });              modal.result.then(function (result) {                 if (result === 'save') {                     $scope.loadqueue();                     notificationservice.success('lead removed queue.');                 }             });         };          $scope.editlead = function (id) {             window.location = "/customers/edit/" + id;         }          // open lead detail         var leadhistoryoverviewscope = {             item: {}         };          $scope.showleaddetail = function (customerid, leadid) {             leadhistoryoverviewscope.item = { customerid: customerid, leadoppid: leadid };             var modal = ${                 templateurl: '/content/leadapproval/leaddetail.html',                 controller: 'leadhistoryctrl',                 windowclass: 'wide-modal-window',                 resolve: { childscope: function () { return leadhistoryoverviewscope; } }             });         };          $scope.loadqueue();     }).   // lead history controller     controller('leadhistoryctrl', function ($scope, $modal, $modalinstance, api, notificationservice, childscope) {         $rootscope.loaded = false;         $scope.customerloaded = false;         var historystartdate = new moment().subtract(6, 'months').format("yyyy-mm-dd");         var historyenddate = new moment().format("yyyy-mm-dd");         $scope.orders = [];         $scope.history = [];          $scope.showactionbuttons = true;          api.queue.queryorders(childscope.item.customerid, historystartdate, historyenddate, function (result) {             $scope.orders = result || [];             $scope.ordersloaded = true;         });          api.queue.details.get({ id: childscope.item.customerid, leadoppid: childscope.item.leadoppid }, function (result) {             $scope.history = result;             $scope.customerloaded = true;         });          $scope.acceptlead = function (leadid) {             $modalinstance.close();              var modal = ${                 templateurl: '/content/leadapproval/approved.html',                 controller: 'approvedctrl',                 windowclass: '',                 resolve: { leadid: function () { return leadid; } }             });              modal.result.then(function (result) {                 if (result === 'save') {                     $scope.loadqueue();                     notificationservice.success('lead approved.');                 }             });         }          $scope.rejectlead = function (leadid) {             $modalinstance.close();              var modal = ${                 templateurl: '/content/leadapproval/notapproved.html',                 controller: 'notapprovedctrl',                 windowclass: '',                 resolve: { leadid: function () { return leadid; } }             });              modal.result.then(function (result) {                 if (result === 'save') {                     $scope.loadqueue();                     notificationservice.success('lead removed queue.');                 }             });         };          $scope.editlead = function (id) {             $modalinstance.close();             window.location = "/customers/edit/" + id;         }          $scope.cancel = function () {             $modalinstance.dismiss('cancel');         };     }) ; 

the thing i've noticed $scope.loadqueue(); (as seen 17 lines up) throws error undefined object. reason "leadhistoryctrl" can't see scope in "leadapprovalctrl", , can't refresh ng-repeat. i've tried copying loadqueue function leadhistoryctrl, no real effect - code functions... main page doesn't refresh.

so, question: how loadqueue() call in loadhistoryctrl call method in leadapprovalctrl, , refresh main page ng-repeat table?

typically want move function service if need access multiple controllers. in angular cant communicate directly controller controller. can use $scope.broadcast / $scope.emit trigger this. what's correct way communicate between controllers in angularjs?


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