Spring 4 Create Bean Programmatically -
i've been looking way add datasources @ runtime. want move away defining datasources in @configuration class , instead when app loads want dynamically create datasource beans , inject them spring context. i'm not sure how can go doing that.
this ended with, not sure if right approach or not, if there better way please share.
@component class springcontextlistener implements applicationlistener<contextrefreshedevent> { public void onapplicationevent(contextrefreshedevent event) { org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.datasource ds = new org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.datasource(); ds.setdriverclassname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); ds.seturl("jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/test?useunicode=true&characterencoding=utf8&maxallowedpacket=512000"); ds.setusername("myusername"); ds.setpassword("mypassword"); configurableapplicationcontext ctx = (configurableapplicationcontext) event.getapplicationcontext(); configurablelistablebeanfactory bf = ctx.getbeanfactory(); bf.registersingleton("mysqldsn", ds); }; }
this example of want do, have ability dynamically create beans , add them them spring rather writing out config files.
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