ajax - rendered attribute of h:outputLabel not working properly when called from a4j:commandButton click -

this question has answer here:

please me solving issue in jsf 1 change of bean.displayind false true outputlabel not rendering. on click of commandbutton , filterrequest method called sets value of displayind true.but value still coming false , rowcountlabel not working??hardcoding value of rendered attribute true or false working.so issue in render call a4j:commandbutton?

 <a4j:commandbutton value="filter" action="#{bean.filterrequest}" render="rowcountlabel"/>   <h:outputlabel id="rowcountlabel" value="#{bean.rowcount}"                 rendered="#{bean.displayind}"/> 

by wrapping h:outputlabel in a4j:outputpanel , rendering solve problem.

<a4j:commandbutton value="filter" action="#{bean.filterrequest}" render="rowcountlabel"/>  <a4j:outputpanel id="rowcountlabel">      <h:outputlabel value="#{bean.rowcount}" rendered="#{bean.displayind}"/> </a4j:outputpanel> 


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