c# - Button Click URL + String -

i trying have click event navigate webbrowser pre-set location + string can't seem work.

my biggest issue maybe getting string 1 event click event?

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using system.data; using system.drawing; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows.forms; using system.data.oledb;  namespace ink {     public partial class inkform : form     {          public inkform()         {             initializecomponent();         }          string searchlink;          private void searchbutton_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             this.acceptbutton = searchbutton;              int itemrow = -1;             string searchvalue = searchtextbox.text.toupper();              if (searchvalue != null && searchvalue != "")             {                 foreach (datagridviewrow row in inkgridview.rows)                 {                     if (row.cells[1].value.tostring().equals(searchvalue))                     {                         itemrow = row.index;                         break;                     }                     else if (row.cells[1].value.tostring().contains(searchvalue) && itemrow == -1)                     {                         itemrow = row.index;                     }                 }                 if (itemrow == -1)                 {                     searchtextbox.backcolor = color.red;                 }                 else                 {                     searchtextbox.backcolor = color.white;                     inkgridview.rows[itemrow].selected = true;                     inkgridview.firstdisplayedscrollingrowindex = itemrow;                 }             }         }          private void inkform_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             this.hptableadapter.fill(this.inkdataset.hp);          }          private void updatebutton_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             dialogresult dr = messagebox.show("are sure want update stock level?", "message", messageboxbuttons.yesnocancel, messageboxicon.information);             if (dr == dialogresult.yes)             {                 this.hptableadapter.update(inkdataset.hp);                 inkgridview.refresh();                 messagebox.show("record updated.", "success!");             }          }         private void inkgridview_cellcontentclick(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e)         {             inkgridview.columns["tonerinkdatagridviewtextboxcolumn"].readonly = true;         }          private void inkgridview_selectionchanged(object sender, eventargs e)         {             if (inkgridview.selectedcells.count > 0)             {                 int selectedrowindex = inkgridview.selectedcells[0].rowindex;                  datagridviewrow selectedrow = inkgridview.rows[selectedrowindex];                  string searchlink = convert.tostring(selectedrow.cells["tonerinkdatagridviewtextboxcolumn"].value);             }         }          private void orderbutton_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             string link;             string searchlink = "blahblah";             link = "http://store.tindallsb2b.co.uk/storefront/evolution_productresults.html?strsearch=" + searchlink;             webbrowser.url = new uri(link);          }          private void urlcheckertextbox_textchanged(object sender, eventargs e)         {             urlcheckertextbox.text = webbrowser.url.tostring();         }     } } 

when button clicked, navigates domain "unknown location" page on website (the website not owned me).

the idea click cell in datagridview product code, click button adds product code set url , loads url+string in webbrowser.

your vairable searchlink isn't visible orderbutton_click(). solution declare varible searchlink outside of methods in class. in fact using different variables (both named searchlink) inside methods. example:

class testclass {      string teststring1 = ""; //visible in both methods       private void testmethod1()      {          string teststring2 = ""; //only visible in method          teststring1 = "it works!";      }       private void testmethod2()      {          teststring2 = "this won't compile"; //teststring2 not visible here          teststring1 = "it works, too";           //but doing is:          string teststring2 = ""; //new variable (not related teststring2 above)      } } 

and bkribbs told me called variable scope. thanks!

for solving specific problem here new code:

string searchlink = "";  private void inkgridview_selectionchanged(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if (inkgridview.selectedcells.count > 0)         {             int selectedrowindex = inkgridview.selectedcells[0].rowindex;              datagridviewrow selectedrow = inkgridview.rows[selectedrowindex];              searchlink = convert.tostring(selectedrow.cells["tonerinkdatagridviewtextboxcolumn"].value);         }     }      private void orderbutton_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         string link;          link = "http://store.tindallsb2b.co.uk/storefront/evolution_productresults.html?strsearch=" + searchlink;         webbrowser.url = new uri(link);      } 

i hope got problem right :)


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