php - PhpMailer sends to gmail but not to hotmail accounts -
i know has been asked before, wanted show case because tried solve other answers coundt solve it.
i m trying contact form when choose email of receiver if choose or dont receive email. tried choose type of email gmail, yahoo or terra , email arrives without problem.
i know must because spam policies of servers dont know how fix it.
this code of phpmailer:
$mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->host = "localhost"; $mail->hostname = "advanced institute"; $mail->from = $_post["email"]; $mail->fromname = $_post["email"]; $mail->subject = "quiero contactarme con advanced institute"; $mail->addaddress("","advanced institute"); $mail->addreplyto($_post["email"]); $mail->ishtml(true); // el correo se envĂa como html $body = '<html><body><div>nombre : '.$_post["nombre"].'<br> email : '.$_post["email"].'<br> telefono : '.$_post["telefono"].'<br> asunto : '.$_post["asunto"].'<br> comentarios: '.$_post["comentarios"].'<br> </div></body></html>'; $mail->body = $body; if(!$mail->body) { echo 'error: ' . $mail->errorinfo; }else{ $mail->send();
i hope english enough guys understand problem. thank in advanced
you need set spf records domain name.
further information:
recommended spf wizard
also address should sending domain name, not user input.
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