php - The unstopable Loop X( -

this first code. im trying add new posts wordpress site.
mysql query return 4035 rows have details insert new post.
problem : loop wont ever stop! it reach 4035 row , start on 1st row

things tried make stop:

  1. added - if ($loopstimes > 4400) {break;}
  2. limited mysql query 4050 rows

the weird parts:

  1. when limit mysql query limit 900, works perfectly. loop stops when 900 post added, if add 950, script add 943 posts , give me fatal error "maximum execution time reached". script stops.
  2. i increase "maximum execution time" 300 sec , increase memory 128 256mb, use query without limit , loop wont ever stop.

is code problematic? or server issue?

<?php  $username = "xxxx"; $password = "xxxx"; $hostname = "localhost";   $loopstimes = 0;  //connection database $dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)  or die("unable connect mysql");  //select database work $selected = mysql_select_db("xxxx_xxxx",$dbhandle)  or die("could not select examples");  //execute sql query , return records // query names $result = mysql_query("select distinct names_list.* ... limit 4050");  if($result === false) {      die(mysql_error()); // todo: better error handling }  //fetch data database while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {     $p_name= $row["p_name"];     $category= $row["gcategory"];     $subcategory= $row["subcategory"];     $ase_date= $row["ase_date"];      //fix (') prepare mysql query      $pp_name = $p_name;      $newp_name = str_replace("'","''",$p_name);      //query count results     $minprice = mysql_query("select ... product_p_name = '$newp_name' , order product_price_usd");     $countss = mysql_num_rows($minprice);      if($minprice === false) {          die(mysql_error()); // todo: better error handling     }      $rowm = mysql_fetch_array($minprice);     $minprice = '$'.$rowm["product_price_usd"];      // create post object     $my_post = array(         'post_title' => 'my title...',         'post_status' => 'publish',         'post_author' => 1     );      // insert post database     $post_id = wp_insert_post( $my_post );      // add advanced custom field values     update_field( "field_552fc3f84b43r", $p_name, $post_id );       //regex date keep year     if (preg_match("/20.*/", $ase_date, $matches)) {         $ase_year = $matches[0];     }      //insert tags custom taxonomies      wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $audio_subcategory, 'subcategory-cpt', false );     wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $fex_pro_rg, 'fex-pro-cpt', false );      $loopstimes++;      if ($loopstimes > 4400) {break;}     echo 'post added!, '.$post_id.'<br>';     echo $loopstimes; }  //close connection mysql_close($dbhandle); echo 'finish'; ?> 

sure know shouldn't use mysql_* functions anymore.

but pass on issue right now:

//query count results $minprice_query_result = mysql_query("select ... product_p_name = '$newp_name' , order product_price_usd"); $countss = mysql_num_rows($minprice_query_result);  if($minprice_query_result === false) {      die(mysql_error()); // todo: better error handling }  $rowm = mysql_fetch_array($minprice_query_result); $minprice = '$'.$rowm["product_price_usd"];  mysql_free_result ( $minprice_query_result ); 

and way, why need subquery? $minprice = '$'.$rowm["product_price_usd"]; ? never use variable in code!


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