mysql - #1111 - Invalid use of group function -

the following query failing , complaining #1111 - invalid use of group function because of both sum() calls embedded inside if loops. i'm trying accomplish same goals while migrating sql query i'm having osme hard time, 1 point me right direction?

database composed invoices table may have invoices_payments if client hasn't paid invoice @ once , instead have gone instal payments. known that, i'm trying sum invoices.invoice_total substracting each invoices_payments.payment_date whichs not equals current week if invoices.issued_date equals current week, if not i'm trying sum invoices_payments.payment_amount invoices_payments.payment_date equals current week.

select     sum(          if (             yearweek(i.issue_date, 1) = yearweek(now(), 1),             i.invoice_total,             0         )     ) week_invoiced,     ##sum functions embedded inside next if causing error: #1111 - invalid use of group function     sum(          if (             ## if payment issued on current week             i.issued_date not null             , yearweek(i.issued_date, '%y%m') = yearweek(now(), '%y%m'),             ## sum each invoice.invoice_total , substract each invoices_payments not issued on current week             sum(i.invoice_total) - sum(                  if (            not null                     , yearweek(ip.payment_date, 1) != yearweek(now(), 1),                     ip.payment_amount,                     0                 )             ),          if (             ## if payment not issued on current week             i.issued_date null             or (                 i.issued_date not null                 , yearweek(i.issued_date, '%y%m') != yearweek(now(), '%y%m')             ),             ## sum each invoices_payments issued on current week             sum(                  if (            not null                     , yearweek(ip.payment_date, 1) = yearweek(now(), 1),                     ip.payment_amount,                     0                 )             ),             0         )         )     ) week_paid,     sum(          if (             date_format(i.issue_date, '%y%m') = date_format(now(), '%y%m'),             i.invoice_total,             0         )     ) month_invoiced     `invoices` inner join `currency` cur on i.currency_id = left join `invoices_payments` ip on ip.invoice_id =     i.coach_id = 279 , (     date_format(i.issue_date, '%y%m') = date_format(now(), '%y%m')     or date_format(i.issued_date, '%y%m') = date_format(now(), '%y%m')     or ( not null         , date_format(ip.payment_date, '%y%m') = date_format(now(), '%y%m')     ) ) group 

you don't need outer sum problem is. is, inner sums suffice:

sum( sum()-sum() ) 




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