java - joda time, DateTimeFormatter -
i have following code
datetimeformat = isodatetimeformat.datetimenomillis()
and use datetimeformat below
public static string print(date value) { return datetimeformat.print(value.gettime()); }
and problem, in print method put many date instances + 4 hours time, , after datetimeformat.print(value.gettime()); time +3 hour, 1 of date instances become +4 hours, error me.
in date instances has same time zone europe/moscow
what may wrong in case?
in date instances has same time zone europe/moscow
a date
instance doesn't have time zone - it's instant in time. should specify time zone formatter, e.g.
datetimeformat = isodatetimeformat .datetimenomillis() .withzoneutc();
if want value does know time zone, should use datetime
instead of date
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