java - JOptionPane Method Not found -

here's code:

import javax.swing.joptionpane; import javax.swing.*; import*; import java.*;  public class icmp {     public static void main(string args[])     {         try         {             uimanager.setlookandfeel(uimanager.getsystemlookandfeelclassname());         }         catch (exception e)         {}          int time = 0;          while (true)         {             time = integer.parseint(joptionpane.showinputdialog("enter time"));             break;         }          time = time * 1000;         string str = joptionpane.showinputdialog("enter ip address");          try         {             inetaddress addr = inetaddress.getbyname(str);             boolean test = addr.isreachable(time);              if (test)             {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, str + " host isconnected", "alert", joptionpane.error_message);             }             else             {                 joption.showmessagedialog(null, str + "host not connected", "alert", joption.error_message);             }         }         catch (exception e)         {}     } } 

and here errors i'm getting: error: cannot find symbol         string str = joptionpane.showinputdialog("enter ip address");                                   ^   symbol:   method showinputdialog(string)   location: class joptionpane error: cannot find symbol                 joption.showmessagedialog(null,str+ "host not connected","alert",joption.error_message);                                                                                     ^   symbol:   variable joption   location: class icmp error: cannot find symbol                 joption.showmessagedialog(null,str+ "host not connected","alert",joption.error_message);                 ^   symbol:   variable joption   location: class icmp 3 errors 

what compiler says following.

  • there no showinputdialog method in joptionpane class. it's named showinputdialog (notice capital 'd'). found in line 23 of program.
  • it (the compiler) cannot find joption class, called joptionpane. found in line 34 of program.

also, silently swallowing exceptions in code, bad practice. try avoid that.

hope helps.


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