nlp - How to NER and POS tag a pre-tokenized text with Stanford CoreNLP? -
i'm using stanford's corenlp named entity recognizer (ner) , part-of-speech (pos) tagger in application. problem code tokenizes text beforehand , need ner , pos tag each token. able find out how using command line options not programmatically.
can please tell me how programmatically can ner , pos tag pretokenized text using stanford's corenlp?
i'm using individual ner , pos instructions. code written instructed in tutorials given in stanford's ner , pos packages. have corenlp in classpath. have corenlp in classpath using tutorials in ner , pos packages.
i found there instructions how 1 can set properties corenlp here wish if there quick way want stanford ner , pos taggers don't have recode everything!
if set property:
tokenize.whitespace = true
then corenlp pipeline tokenize on whitespace rather default ptb tokenization. may want set:
ssplit.eolonly = true
so split sentences on newline characters.
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