.net - Old C# project pushed to repository, but fails compiling because missing DLLs in VS2013 -
last year ex-employee pushed visual studio project our gitblit repository, once checked out , tried compile it, says
error 51 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\mstdao\bin\debug\mstdao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\epimst\csc epimst
error 47 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\epidao\bin\debug\epidao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\epiapputils\csc epiapputils
error 48 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\epidao\bin\debug\epidao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\mstdao\csc mstdao
error 50 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\epidao\bin\debug\epidao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\epimst\csc epimst
so solution copy these dlls our deployed software , copy them various directories. fixed 'count not found' errors, host of undefined code errors came up.
seeing how code did work @ point , live packages still function, cant figure out went wrong between code being checked in , checked out me.
unfortunately cant in touch 1 employee pushed code, , i've spent few days reading changing target frameworks, output options, build settings, etc, none of them fix dependencies problems or missing dlls.
we positive dlls same version released 1 version of software, somehow source code no longer works.
i notice listing errors out of sequence. suggests have made common mistake critical when bringing solution in new environment:
- you reading tabular "error list" window rather compiler output.
this bad 2 reasons:
the compiler output contains additional information related compile , related errors. non-error messages stripped ide , don't appear in "error list" window.
the first messages important, because later errors side effects of first few.
switch "output" window, make sure setting "show output from: build", scroll top, , start addressing errors in order of occurrence.
the possibility coder forgot check in one file, resulting in errors in project other files used class. since project didn't build, dependent projects can't find anything that's contained in or other dependent project, resulting in hundreds of errors. hard sort out in error list, clear when switch actual build output log.
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