python - calling up function not working -

def td():  choice = input("\nwhich trainning event access?\n1.swimming\n2.cycling\n3.running\n4.comare data\ eight\nplease type in number before event of want choose\n") if choice == "1": ################################################     swim()        # call function depending on option user choices, function take user menu  elif choice == "2":     cyc()  elif choice == "3":     run()  elif choice == "4":     comp()  elif choice == "5":     eight()      ######################################################     def swim():    swimming_file_exists = exists("swimming_file.txt") # create swimming has 'txt' in or swimming file exsits    if  swimming_file_exists  == false:  # if file doesnt exsit create      swimming_file = open("swimming_file","w") # allows user write file      swimming_file.close     swimming_file = open("swimming_file","a")  # open "a"  mode write position @ end of file     else:     swimming_file = open("swimming_file","a")      totaldistance = input("what total distance swam in meters?")     totaltime = input("how long did swim in minutes?")     speed = totaldistance/totaltime # formula speed user doesnt have work out speed     swimtype = input("\nwhich style did swim\n1.slow freestyle\ freestyle\n3.backstroke\n4.breaststroke\n5.butterfly\n\nplease type in number before swimming style\n")      print ("make sure these right values. if not pres ctrl z undo mistakes")     time_hours = totaltime / 60 # turns minutes swam hours able calculate calouries have burnt       if swimtype == "1":         calb1 = time_hours * 236 # formula work out how many calouries user has burnt swimming       if swimtype == "2":         calb1 = time_hours * 590     if swimtype == "3":         calb1 = time_hours * 413     if swimtype == "4":         calb1 = time_hours * 590     if swimtype == "5":         calb1 = time_hours * 649       print ("on average swimming @ speed of", speed, "mps\nand have burnt", clab1,"calories") # spped , calb1 numbers program calculated      score = totaldistance - totaltime # make users score show final 8      score_file.write(str(score)) #this make score string , add score in thye got score file can final 8 later     score_file.close()     total = (totaldistance, totaltime, speed)     swimming_file.write(str(total)) # adds swimming details file , saves string      swimming_file.close()     score_file = open("score_file","w") # file score added , score calculated users able see final 8     score_file = open("score_file","a")   def run():######################## score_file = open("score_file","w") score_file = open("score_file","a")  running_file_e = exists("running_file.txt") # if running file exsits open file if  running_file_e  ==false: # if doesnt exsit create new running file user      running_file = open("running_file","w")     running_file.close     running_file = open("running_file","a") else:     running_file = open("running_file","a")       totaldistancer = int(input("what total distance ran in km?"))     totaltimer = int(input("how long did run in minutes?"))     print ("make sure these right values.")     totaltimer1 = 60/totaltimer  # inputed minuted hours program can accuratly calculate average speed of runner      speedr1 = totaldistancer/totaltimer1     calburn = (speedr1 * 95)/(60/totaltimer1) # easy formula amount of calouries runner has burnt can calculated     score = totaldistance - totaltime     score_file.write(str(score))     score_file.close()        print ("the records have been saved")     print ("on average running @ speed of", speedr1, "kmph\nyou burnt",calburn," calouries")      totalr = (totaldistancer, totaltimer, speedr1, calburn)     running_file.write(str(totalr))     running_file.close()     def cyc():####################################   score_file = open("score_file","w")   score_file = open("score_file","a")   cycling_file_file_e = exists("cycling_.txt")   if  cycling_file_file_e  ==false:      cycling_file_file = open("cycling_file","w")     cycling_file_file.close     cycling_file_file = open("cycling_file","a")    else:     cycling_file = open("cycling_file","a")      totaldistancec = int(input("what total distance cycled in km?"))     totaltimec = int(input("how long did cycle in minutes?"))     print ("make sure these right values. if not pres ctrl z undo mistakes")     speedc = totaldistancec/totaltimec      if speedc <10:         caloriesb= 236 * totaltimec # works out calouries us4er depending on input distance , time     if speedc >=10 , speedc <=11.9:         caloriesb= 354 * totaltimec     if speedc >=12 , speedc <=13.9:         caloriesb= 472 * totaltimec     if speedc >=14 , speedc <=15.9:         caloriesb= 590 * totaltimec      if speedc >=16 , speedc <=20:         caloriesb= 708 * totaltimec     if speedc >20:         caloriesb= 944 * totaltimec      print ("on average running @ speed of", speedc, "kmph\nyou burnt", caloriesb, " calories")     score = totaldistance - totaltime     score_file.write(str(score))     score_file.close()     totalc = (totaldistancec, totaltimec, speedc)     cycling_file.write(str(totalc))     cycling_file.close()     personaldetails_file.close()    def comp():#################################### username_file = open ("username.txt", "r")   username_file.close()   which_event = input("which event compare\n1.swimming\n2.cycling\n3.running\n") if which_event == "3":     competitor3 = input("who compare data with")     n in range (len(ausers)): # finds user first user looking         x = n + 1         print (x, ausers[n]) # displays other usres running details          person = ausers[(competitor3 - 1)] #calculates actual name of selected user inputted integer         run1 = open("running_file","r") # "r" file read          line1 = username_file.readlines()# reads whole file content memory          run1.close()    if which_event == "2":     competitor2 = input("who compare data with")     n in range (len(ausers)): # "(len" nembered length of users         x = n + 1 # python starts counting 0 makes start counting 1         print (x, ausers[n])        person = ausers[(competitor2 - 1)]        cyc1 = open("cycling_file","r")        line2 = username_file.readlines()        cyc1.close()   if which_event == "1":     competitor1 = input("who compare data with")     n in range (len(ausers)):         x = n + 1         print (x, ausers[n])         person = ausers[(competitor1 - 1)]         swim1 = open("swimming_file","r")         line1 = username_file.readlines()         swim1.close() 

for reason when type 1, 2 or 3 program skips option 4. don't know why. use work while ago cant remember did make skip other functions know why? thank you


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