semantic web - Why is owl:Restriction reasoning not working in Blazegraph? -
with following rdf in blazegraph (taken this answer):
:eats rdf:type owl:objectproperty . :vegetable rdf:type owl:class ; rdfs:subclassof owl:thing . :vegetarian rdf:type owl:class ; owl:equivalentclass [ rdf:type owl:restriction ; owl:onproperty :eats ; owl:somevaluesfrom :vegetable ] . :carrot rdf:type :vegetable , owl:namedindividual . :john rdf:type owl:namedindividual , owl:thing ; :eats :carrot .
the following sparql returning blank:
select ?who { ?who :vegetarian . }
here blazegraph namespace configs (blazegraph running nanosparqlserver command line): 1024 com.bigdata.relation.container test-ng-2 com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.buffermode diskrw com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.file bigdata.jnl com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.initialextent 209715200 com.bigdata.rdf.vocab.defaultbigdatavocabulary false com.bigdata.btree.btree.branchingfactor 128 400 com.bigdata.rdf.axioms.owlaxioms com.bigdata.service.abstracttransactionservice.minreleaseage 1 com.bigdata.rdf.sail.truthmaintenance true com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.maximumextent 209715200 com.bigdata.rdf.sail.namespace test-ng-2 com.bigdata.relation.class false com.bigdata.relation.namespace test-ng-2 com.bigdata.btree.writeretentionqueue.capacity 4000 true
what missing?
there rdf syntax issues, underlying reason blazegraph not support owl reasoning out of box. see current support. there has been work towards , elk reasoner.
regarding rdf in example, here's update validated load in blazegraph 1.5.1. incorporates feedbackup above , adds namespaces. created properties ( file properties above , loaded blazegraph executable jar sourceforge.
java -xmx2g -jar bigdata-bundled.jar
go workbench: http://localhost:9999/bigdata/ , paste rdf below "update" tab on workbench selecting "rdf data" format "turtle".
@prefix : <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix owl: <> . :eats rdf:type owl:objectproperty . :vegetable rdf:type owl:class ; rdfs:subclassof owl:thing . :vegetarian rdf:type owl:class ; owl:equivalentclass [ rdf:type owl:restriction ; owl:onproperty :eats ; owl:somevaluesfrom :vegetable ] . :carrot rdf:type :vegetable , owl:namedindividual . :carrot rdf:type owl:namedindividual , owl:thing, :carrot . :john rdf:type owl:namedindividual , owl:thing ; :eats :carrot .
if go query tab , run like:
select * { ?s ?p ?o }
you'll see of triples inferred owlaxiomsvocabulary.
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