angularjs e2e - How to test slide-box in protractor -

i have slide-box described in 1 of protractor tests; can find box , can properties (i.e. 'how many') how cycle through boxes can test verify display, e.g. expect(profilepage.slide.slidetitle  = 'credentials' expect(profilepage.slide.slidetitle = "info" etc. 


.controller('profilectrl', function ($scope, profileservice) {      $ = {         numviewableslides: 0,         slideindex: 0,         initialinstruction: true,         secondinstruction: false, slides: [             {                 'template': 'templates/slidebox/credentials.html',                 'viewable': true             },              {                 'template': 'templates/slidebox/contactinfo.html',                 'viewable': true             },             {                 'template': 'templates/slidebox/employeeinfo.html',                 'viewable': true             },             {                 'template': 'templates/slidebox/assignmentinfo.html',                 'viewable': true             }         ]     }     . . . 


    <ion-slide-box on-slide-changed="slidechanged(index)" show-pager="true">          <ion-slide ng-repeat="slide in data.slides | filter:{viewable : true}">             <div ng-include src="slide.template"></div>         </ion-slide>      </ion-slide-box> 

page object:

profilepage.prototype = object.create({}, { backbutton: {     get: function () {         return element(by.css('ion-ios7-arrow-back'));     } }, slides: {     get: function () {         return element.all(by.repeater('slide in data.slides'));     } }, slidetitle: {     get: function (id) {         element.all(by.repeater('slide in data.slides')).then(function (slidelist) {             var titleelement = slidelist[id].element(by.css('#slidename'));             return titleelement.gettext();         });     } }, . . . 


describe('profile', function () {  var ppage = new profilepage();  beforeeach(function () {     browser.ignoresynchronization = false; });  it('should have correct lastname , have 4 slides on profile page', function () {     expect(browser.getcurrenturl()).toequal('http://localhost:8100/#/profile');     expect(ppage.lastname).tobe('smith,');     expect(ppage.slides.count()).toequal(4);     browser.sleep(1000); });  it('should slide pages', function(){     expect(browser.getcurrenturl()).toequal('http://localhost:8100/#/profile');     // slide each page here  <------------     browser.sleep(1000); }) 

the idea use ionic's $ionicslideboxdelegate within spec file. we'll need make accessible globally:

var addprotractorslidebox, nextslide;  addprotractorslidebox = function() {   return browser.addmockmodule("services", function() {     return angular.module("services").run(function($ionicslideboxdelegate) {       return window._$ionicslideboxdelegate = $ionicslideboxdelegate;     });   }); };  nextslide = function() {   return browser.executescript('_$'); };  ...  beforeeach(function() {   ...   addprotractorslidebox();   ... });  it('...', function() {   ...   nextslide();   ... }) 

this pattern useful other ionic/angular services.


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