ios - cycle for insert array -
please need help, have following code:
nsstring* string = [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:responsedata encoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; nsarray* params= [string componentsseparatedbystring:@"\\"]; lugar = params[0]; texto1 = params[1]; texto2 = params[2]; texto3 = params[3]; nsstring *query; query =[nsstring stringwithformat:@"insert contenido values(null,'%@','%@','%@','%@')", lugar,texto1,texto2,texto3]; // execute query. [self.dbmanager executequery:query]; // if query executed pop view controller. if (self.dbmanager.affectedrows != 0) { nslog(@"query executed successfully. affected rows = %d", self.dbmanager.affectedrows); }
and receive string text follows: 34 \ field1 \ dfr23 \ \ 35 \ field2 \ dfr24 \ \ 36 \ field3 \ dfr25 \ bad
my code separates first 4 spaces separated \
need inserting cycle spaces in array, please me?
you can use stringbyappendingstring method can connect 1 string another.
do this:
long numberofspaces = [params count]; nsstring querystring = @"@"insert contenido values(null"; (int = 0; < numberofspaces; i++) { nsstring *nextparam = [nsstring stringwithformat:@",//'%@",params[i]]; querystring = [querystring stringbyappendingstring:nextparam; }
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