jsp - Servlets birthday calculator tomcat -

can see if there errors in code servlet should able send data next servlet cant compile myself cause tomcat keeps giving several ports in use error though restarted tomcat services , tomcat/bin it... tried restarting pc tried searching 8080 port , closed ans still same

protected void doget(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception {     response.setcontenttype("text/html");     printwriter out = response.getwriter();     out.print("<html>");     out.print("<body>");     out.println("<form action='end' method='post'>");     out.println("month "             +   "<select>"             +   "<option mon=1>january</option>"             +   "<option mon=2>febuary</option>"             +   "<option mon=3>march</option>"             +   "<option mon=4>april</option>"             +   "<option mon=5>may</option>"             +   "<option mon=6>june</option>"             +   "<option mon=7>july</option>"             +   "<option mon=8>august</option>"             +   "<option mon=9>october</option>"             +   "<option mon=10>september</option>"             +   "<option mon=11>october</option>"             +   "<option mon=12>decmeber</option>"             +   "</select>");     out.println("day "             +   "<select>"             +   "<option day=1>1</option>"             +   "<option day=2>2</option>"             +   "<option day=3>3</option>"             +   "<option day=4>4</option>"             +   "<option day=5>5</option>"             +   "<option day=6>6</option>"             +   "<option day=7>7</option>"             +   "<option day=8>8</option>"             +   "<option day=9>9</option>"             +   "<option day=10>10</option>"             +   "<option day=11>11</option>"             +   "<option day=12>12</option>"             +   "<option day=13>13</option>"             +   "<option day=14>14</option>"             +   "<option day=15>15</option>"             +   "<option day=16>16</option>"             +   "<option day=17>17</option>"             +   "<option day=18>18</option>"             +   "<option day=19>19</option>"             +   "<option day=20>20</option>"             +   "<option day=21>21</option>"             +   "<option day=22>22</option>"             +   "<option day=23>23</option>"             +   "<option day=24>24</option>"             +   "<option day=25>26</option>"             +   "<option day=27>27</option>"             +   "<option day=28>28</option>"             +   "<option day=29>29</option>"             +   "<option day=30>30</option>"             +   "<option day=31>31</option>"             +   "</select>");     out.println("year "             +"<select>"             +   "<option yr=1996>1996</option>"             +   "<option yr=1997>1997</option>"             +   "<option yr=1998>1998</option>"             +   "<option yr=1999>1999</option>"             +   "<option yr=2000>2000</option>"             +   "<option yr=2001>2001</option>"             +   "<option yr=2002>2002</option>"             +   "<option yr=2003>2003</option>"             +   "<option yr=2004>2004</option>"             +   "<option yr=2005>2005</option>"             +   "<option yr=2006>2006</option>"             +   "<option yr=2007>2007</option>"             +   "<option yr=2008>2008</option>"             +   "<option yr=2009>2009</option>"             +   "<option yr=2010>2010</option>"             +   "<option yr=2011>2011</option>"             +   "<option yr=2012>2012</option>"             +   "<option yr=2013>2013</option>"             +   "<option yr=2014>2014</option>"             +   "</select>");     out.println("<input type='submit' value='submit'>");       out.println("</form>");       out.print("</body>");     out.print("</html>");} 

will send servlet

protected void dopost(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception {     int bdaymon=integer.parseint(request.getparameter("mon"));     int bdayday=integer.parseint(request.getparameter("day"));     int bdayyr=integer.parseint(request.getparameter("yr"));     int fxmon=4;     int fxday=23;     int fxyr=2015;     int calcmon= 0;     int calcday= 0;     int calcyr = 0;     response.setcontenttype("text/html");     printwriter out = response.getwriter();     out.print("<html>");     out.print("<body>");     if(bdaymon>fxmon){         calcyr=fxyr-bdayyr-1;         calcmon=(12-bdaymon)+(fxmon)-1;         if(bdayday<fxday)             calcday=fxday-bdayday;         else if(bdayday>fxday)             calcmon--;         else             calcmon=0;}     if(bdaymon<fxmon){         calcyr=fxyr-bdayyr;         calcmon=fxmon-bdaymon;         if(bdayday<fxday)             calcday=fxday-bdayday;         else if(bdayday>fxday)             calcmon--;         else             calcmon=0;}     if(bdaymon==fxmon){         calcyr=fxyr-bdayyr-1;         calcmon=(12-bdaymon)+(fxmon)-1;         if(bdayday<fxday)             calcday=fxday-bdayday;         else if(bdayday>fxday)             calcmon--;         else             calcmon=0;}     out.print("you " + calcyr + "years" + calcmon + "months" + calcday + "days");     out.print("</body");     out.print("</html>"); } 


the question run or not if not why? please dont criticize way code our college prof slow , dosent know doing , besides pretty sleepy when coded yeah flawed logic

the code provide run fine. i'm running code with:

  • eclipse luna
  • tomcat 7
  • dynamic web application server (version 2.5)

as mentioned fix error can change tomcat port configuration. see details available on how change tomcat default port


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