Separate webapp for custom components in Moqui -
i have read in many places "you want create own runtime directory , keep in own source repository...". can tell me how that? if don't want lose of ootb components?
currently planning have separate webapp custom developed components. let's say, want have "ootb" mount point ootb components , blank "" mount point custom developed components. how should that? have tried without success:
<webapp-list> <webapp name="webroot" http-port="8080" https-enabled="false"> <root-screen host=".*/ootb" location="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml"/> </webapp> <webapp name="customroot" http-port="8080" https-enabled="false"> <root-screen host=".*" location="component://customroot/screen/customroot.xml"/> </webapp> </webapp-list>
if not work 1 other solution can think of have "customroot" entry, , add "webroot" subscreenitem in it. "customroot" screen blank, , custom decorator present in "customapps" screen counter part of "apps" screen. , screens use "customapps" screen.
although haven't tried wrote above, somehow feels hack. believe there should better way this.
and yes, have read article, want use localhost , there should way localhost too.
as explained in other stackoverflow question linked (on word "article") webapp element used @ runtime selected based on "moqui-name" context-param web.xml file webapp (in or out of war file). unless deploying multiple war files or other forms of webapps not useful.
what describing handled adding subscreens in screen hierarchy @ desired points. general idea screen hierarchy in moqui can have root screens of "applications" mounted through various means (see annotations on subscreens element or making apps moqui book details on 3 ways of doing this). part of point of avoid multiple webapps mounted in servlet container because makes things more complicated, including: handling authc , sessions, configuration , deployment, , on.
generally application in component you'll want use database record add subscreen existing screen in hierarchy, "webroot" component. here example of example app in moqui (this adds "example" path elements under "apps" path element, apps.xml screen mounted under root screen, putting @ /apps/example):
<moqui.screen.subscreensitem screenlocation="component://webroot/screen/webroot/apps.xml" subscreenname="example" usergroupid="all_users" menutitle="example" menuindex="8" menuinclude="y" subscreenlocation="component://example/screen/exampleapp.xml"/>
here example popcommerce mount root screen of application under root screen instead of "apps" screen (i.e. making located @ /popc instead of /apps/popc; note means decoration in apps.xml screen not used because it's not in render path):
<moqui.screen.subscreensitem screenlocation="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml" subscreenname="popc" usergroupid="all_users" menutitle="pop commerce" menuindex="9" menuinclude="n" subscreenlocation="component://popcommerce/screen/popcommerceroot.xml"/>
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