sorting - Ordered lattice point enumeration -
setup: let ei orthogonal basis n-dimensional euclidean space, suppose ei has irrational (l1) norm. let l set of points obtained taking linear combinations of ei coefficients in natural numbers (including zero). order points in l first l1-norm , lexicographically.
question: there efficient algorithm producing points in l in increasing order pre-defined bound? note not want produce points , sort them, rather want walk lattice in order.
observation: easy if ei orthonormal basis. instance, problem solved here. in principle similar work here, determining radii iterate on hard solving enumeration problem, isn't useful.
how this:
let l₁ , l₂ lists of vectors, l₁ list of visited/processed lattice vectors , l₂ list of lists of vectors visited next.
- set l₁={ } , l₂ = {[0]}, 0 zero-vector.
- let v smallest vector of first list in l₂.
- visit/process vector v.
- add list l={v+e₁,...,v+en} l₂, such lists sorted smallest element. generate v+ei long norm smaller predefined bound.
- insert v @ end of l₁ , remove front of first list l₂.
- if first list empty, remove l₂. if not, move correct place.
- if l₂ not empty, goto 2.
this algorithm requires ei sorted norm small big.
this algorithm adds @ n vectors l₂ per round. let b predefined upper bound, there @ nk-1 vectors going visit, k = 1+b/||e₁||. first ca. nk' rounds, list of size n, k' = b/||en||. in total have store less n = nk' + (nk-1)/(nk'+1) lists. can generate new list in o(n) , add place in l₂ in o(log n) (binary search correct place , link insert there).
so overall complexity o(n⋅n⋅log n), notice n number of vectors looking for.
notice: there faster algorithm, can try.
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