antlr3 - ANTLR 3.5 generates "extraneous parentheses" warning with C++ target -

i using c++ target in antlr v 3.5 , generated lexer.cpp file has bunch of extraneous parentheses warnings. warning is:

warning: equality comparison extraneous parentheses [-wparentheses-equality] 

this happens in 5 places, corresponding generated lexer code is:

void qualifiednamelexer::mtokens() {     {         //  qualifiedname.g:1:8: ( t__11 | t__12 | t__13 | t__14 | t__15 | pn_chars_base | helper_rule_for_other_punctuation_chars | pn_chars_others | digit )          antlr_uint32 alt2;          alt2=9;          {             int la2_0 = this->la(1);             if ( (la2_0 == '-'))             {                 alt2=1;             }             else if ( (la2_0 == '.'))             {                 alt2=2;             }             else if ( (la2_0 == ':'))             {                 alt2=3;             }             else if ( (la2_0 == 0x00b7))             {                 alt2=4;             }             else if ( (la2_0 == '_'))             {                 alt2=5;             }             ...         }     } } 

here grammar corresponds generated lexer warnings.

grammar qualifiedname;  options {     language = cpp;     k = 2;     backtrack = true;     memoize = true; }  @parser::includes {     #include "qualifiednamelexer.hpp" }  @lexer::namespace { user }  @parser::namespace { user }  @lexer::traits {      class qualifiednamelexer; class qualifiednameparser;      typedef antlr3::traits< qualifiednamelexer, qualifiednameparser > qualifiednamelexertraits;      typedef qualifiednamelexertraits qualifiednameparsertraits; }   /******************** parser rules *****************************/  qualified_name     :   ( pn_prefix ':' )? pn_local       | pn_prefix ':'     ;  pn_prefix     :   pn_chars_base ((pn_chars | '.')* pn_chars)?     ;  pn_local     :   ( pn_chars_u | digit | pn_chars_others )         (             ( pn_chars | '.' | pn_chars_others )*             ( pn_chars | pn_chars_others )         )?     ;  pn_chars_u     : pn_chars_base | '_'     ;  pn_chars     : pn_chars_u | '-' | digit | '\u00b7' | helper_rule_for_other_punctuation_chars     ;  /************************* lexer rules ******************************/  pn_chars_base     : 'a'..'z' | 'a'..'z'     | '\u00c0'..'\u00d6'     | '\u00d8'..'\u00f6'     | '\u00f8'..'\u02ff'     | '\u0370'..'\u037d'     | '\u037f'..'\u1fff'     | '\u200c'..'\u200d'     | '\u2070'..'\u218f'     | '\u2c00'..'\u2fef'     | '\u3001'..'\ud7ff'     | '\uf900'..'\ufdcf'     | '\ufdf0'..'\ufffd' //  | '\ud800\udc00'..'\udb7f\udfff' (u+10000 u+effff) not supported grammar.     ;  helper_rule_for_other_punctuation_chars     : '\u0300'..'\u036f' | '\u203f'..'\u2040'     ;  pn_chars_others     : '/'     | '@'     | '~'     | '&'     | '+'     | '*'     | '?'     | '#'     | '$'     | '!'     | percent     | pn_chars_esc     ;  fragment pn_chars_esc     :   '\\' ( '=' | '\'' | '(' | ')' | ',' | '-' | ':' | ';' | '[' | ']' | '.' )     ;  fragment percent     : '%' hex hex     ;  fragment hex     :   '0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'a'..'f'     ;  digit     : '0'..'9'     ; 

is there can change in grammar rid of these warnings when antlr generates lexer? or antlr bug?

i fix gave up. code generated nested templates , it's hard predict @ end.

also g++ , clang treats code differently. afaik clang generates different warnings , extraneous parentheses somehow treat warning generated.

i think best way push-ignore warning @ beginning of header , pop-ignore @ and. tried got stuck somewhere.

maybe because warning not triggered while reading source while instantiating template. not remember.

ps: grammar quite simple, generated conditions might complex.


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