android - Date and Time formatting from sqlite database -

i have formatted timepicker , datepicker data following formats hh:mm am/pm , dd/mm/yyyy, , stored both variables sqlite database.

now, in activity need retrieve these values database, , pass pendingintent alarm through alarmmanager.

my problem getting these values in activity database, can't figure out how compare these values current calendar time, , pass pendingintent cal.gettimeinmillis().

i tried using simpledateformat, catches parseexception: unparseable date

can me out problem? in advance

i have tried simpledateformat this

simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat(" mm/dd/yyyy h:mm a",;         try {             cal.settime(sdf.parse(dnt));         } catch(parseexception e){             log.d(logcat, e.tostring());         } 


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