c# - Why is nullable decimal crashing my object initializer? -
i have object called project.
in project have property definition this:
public decimal? fytotalcost { get; set; }
then roll through datareader fill list of objects.
while (dr.read()) { #region fill project object try { projects.add(new project { fytotalcost = (dr["fy_total_cost"] != null && dr["fy_total_cost"].tostring() != string.empty && dr["fy_total_cost"].tostring() != "") ? decimal.parse(dr["fy_total_cost"].tostring()) : (decimal?)null,
this evaluates false in quick watcy:
dr["fy_total_cost"] != null && dr["fy_total_cost"].tostring() != string.empty && dr["fy_total_cost"].tostring() != ""
but seems getting executed:
instead of this:
i'm trace.writing output window:
this get:
a first chance exception of type 'system.formatexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll fy: fy_total_cost: budget_start_date: budget_end_date: error message: system.formatexception: input string not in correct format. @ system.number.stringtonumber(string str, numberstyles options, numberbuffer& number, numberformatinfo info, boolean parsedecimal) @ system.number.parseint32(string s, numberstyles style, numberformatinfo info) @ system.int32.parse(string s) @ transferprojects.program.fillprojectsmodel() in c:\development\transferprojects\transferprojects\program.cs:line 172
because null in database dbnull.value. should checking instead:
fytotalcost = (dr["fy_total_cost"] != dbnull.value
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