sockets - How to send character from android phone to arduino through Bluetooth? -

currently using arduino nano receive data , transmit android phone through bluetooth. want set button on smart phone, , after pressed it, transmit character arduino. have tested arduino if give command in serial monitor , give me analog read signal.

i wanna ask how can transmit character(like "e") phone arduino? following code associated bluetooth connection. else can add achieve goal?

bluetooth code in arduino

public class homescreen extends activity {  private button mbtnsearch; private button mbtnconnect; private listview mlstdevices;  private bluetoothadapter mbtadapter;  private static final int bt_enable_request = 10; // code use bt enable private static final int settings = 20;  private uuid mdeviceuuid = uuid.fromstring("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); // standard spp uuid // (  private int mbuffersize = 50000; //default public static final string device_extra = "com.blueserial.socket"; public static final string device_uuid = "com.blueserial.uuid"; private static final string device_list = "com.blueserial.devicelist"; private static final string device_list_selected = "com.blueserial.devicelistselected"; public static final string buffer_size = "com.blueserial.buffersize"; private static final string tag = "bluetest5-homescreen"; public  string isecg;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);      setcontentview(r.layout.activity_homescreen);      activityhelper.initialize(this); //this ensure rotation persists across activities , not 1     log.d(tag, "created");      intent = getintent();     if (i.hasextra("isecg")){          isecg = i.getstringextra("isecg");        }     textview tv1 = (textview)findviewbyid(;     tv1.settext(isecg);      mbtnsearch = (button) findviewbyid(;     mbtnconnect = (button) findviewbyid(;      mlstdevices = (listview) findviewbyid(;     button btback = (button) findviewbyid(;      btback.setonclicklistener(new button.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {               intent intent = new intent();              intent.setclass(homescreen.this, startscreen.class);              startactivity(intent);           }     });     /*      *check if there savedinstancestate. if yes, means oncreate triggered configuration change      *like screen rotate etc. if that's case populate views necessary here       */     if (savedinstancestate != null) {         arraylist<bluetoothdevice> list = savedinstancestate.getparcelablearraylist(device_list);         if(list!=null){             initlist(list);             myadapter adapter = (myadapter)mlstdevices.getadapter();             int selectedindex = savedinstancestate.getint(device_list_selected);             if(selectedindex != -1){                 adapter.setselectedindex(selectedindex);                 mbtnconnect.setenabled(true);             }         } else {             initlist(new arraylist<bluetoothdevice>());         }      } else {         initlist(new arraylist<bluetoothdevice>());     }       mbtnsearch.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {          @override         public void onclick(view arg0) {             mbtadapter = bluetoothadapter.getdefaultadapter();              if (mbtadapter == null) {                 toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "bluetooth not found", toast.length_short).show();             } else if (!mbtadapter.isenabled()) {                 intent enablebt = new intent(bluetoothadapter.action_request_enable);                 startactivityforresult(enablebt, bt_enable_request);             } else {                 new searchdevices().execute();             }         }     });      mbtnconnect.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {          @override         public void onclick(view arg0) {             bluetoothdevice device = ((myadapter) (mlstdevices.getadapter())).getselecteditem();             intent intent = new intent(getapplicationcontext(), mainactivity.class);             intent.putextra(device_extra, device);             intent.putextra(device_uuid, mdeviceuuid.tostring());             intent.putextra(buffer_size, mbuffersize);              intent.putextra("isecg", isecg);              intent.setclass(homescreen.this, mainactivity.class);              startactivity(intent);         }     }); }  /**  * called when screen rotates. if isn't handled, data generated no longer available  */ @override protected void onsaveinstancestate(bundle outstate) {     super.onsaveinstancestate(outstate);     myadapter adapter = (myadapter) (mlstdevices.getadapter());     arraylist<bluetoothdevice> list = (arraylist<bluetoothdevice>) adapter.getentirelist();      if (list != null) {         outstate.putparcelablearraylist(device_list, list);         int selectedindex = adapter.selectedindex;         outstate.putint(device_list_selected, selectedindex);     } }  @override protected void onpause() {     // todo auto-generated method stub     super.onpause(); }  @override protected void onstop() {     // todo auto-generated method stub     super.onstop(); }  @override protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     switch (requestcode) {     case bt_enable_request:         if (resultcode == result_ok) {             msg("bluetooth enabled successfully");             new searchdevices().execute();         } else {             msg("bluetooth couldn't enabled");         }          break;     case settings: //if settings have been updated         sharedpreferences prefs = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(this);         string uuid = prefs.getstring("prefuuid", "null");         mdeviceuuid = uuid.fromstring(uuid);         log.d(tag, "uuid: " + uuid);         string bufsize = prefs.getstring("preftextbuffer", "null");         mbuffersize = integer.parseint(bufsize);          string orientation = prefs.getstring("preforientation", "null");         log.d(tag, "orientation: " + orientation);         if (orientation.equals("landscape")) {             setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_landscape);         } else if (orientation.equals("portrait")) {             setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_portrait);         } else if (orientation.equals("auto")) {             setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_full_sensor);         }         break;     default:         break;     }     super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data); }  /**  * quick way call toast  * @param str  */ private void msg(string str) {     toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), str, toast.length_short).show(); }  /**  * initialize list adapter  * @param objects  */ private void initlist(list<bluetoothdevice> objects) {     final myadapter adapter = new myadapter(getapplicationcontext(), r.layout.list_item,, objects);     mlstdevices.setadapter(adapter);     mlstdevices.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {          @override         public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) {             adapter.setselectedindex(position);             mbtnconnect.setenabled(true);         }     }); }  /**  * searches paired devices. doesn't scan! devices paired through settings->bluetooth  * show this. didn't see need re-build wheel on here  * @author ryder  *  */ private class searchdevices extends asynctask<void, void, list<bluetoothdevice>> {      @override     protected list<bluetoothdevice> doinbackground(void... params) {         set<bluetoothdevice> paireddevices = mbtadapter.getbondeddevices();         list<bluetoothdevice> listdevices = new arraylist<bluetoothdevice>();         (bluetoothdevice device : paireddevices) {             listdevices.add(device);         }         return listdevices;      }      @override     protected void onpostexecute(list<bluetoothdevice> listdevices) {         super.onpostexecute(listdevices);         if (listdevices.size() > 0) {             myadapter adapter = (myadapter) mlstdevices.getadapter();             adapter.replaceitems(listdevices);         } else {             msg("no paired devices found, please pair serial bt device , try again");         }     }  }  /**  * custom adapter show current devices in list. bit of overkill   * project, figured learning  * of code lifted somewhere can't find link anymore  * @author ryder  *  */ private class myadapter extends arrayadapter<bluetoothdevice> {     private int selectedindex;     private context context;     private int selectedcolor = color.parsecolor("#abcdef");     private list<bluetoothdevice> mylist;      public myadapter(context ctx, int resource, int textviewresourceid, list<bluetoothdevice> objects) {         super(ctx, resource, textviewresourceid, objects);         context = ctx;         mylist = objects;         selectedindex = -1;     }      public void setselectedindex(int position) {         selectedindex = position;         notifydatasetchanged();     }      public bluetoothdevice getselecteditem() {         return mylist.get(selectedindex);     }      @override     public int getcount() {         return mylist.size();     }      @override     public bluetoothdevice getitem(int position) {         return mylist.get(position);     }      @override     public long getitemid(int position) {         return position;     }      private class viewholder {         textview tv;     }      public void replaceitems(list<bluetoothdevice> list) {         mylist = list;         notifydatasetchanged();     }      public list<bluetoothdevice> getentirelist() {         return mylist;     }      @override     public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {         view vi = convertview;         viewholder holder;         if (convertview == null) {             vi = layoutinflater.from(context).inflate(r.layout.list_item, null);             holder = new viewholder();     = (textview) vi.findviewbyid(;              vi.settag(holder);         } else {             holder = (viewholder) vi.gettag();         }          if (selectedindex != -1 && position == selectedindex) {   ;         } else {   ;         }         bluetoothdevice device = mylist.get(position); + "\n   " + device.getaddress());          return vi;     }  }  @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {     // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.     getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);     return true; } 


in android code have these global variables:

 bluetoothadapter mbluetoothadapter;  bluetoothsocket mmsocket;  bluetoothdevice mmdevice;  outputstream mmoutputstream;  inputstream mminputstream; 

and paired bluetooth devices in similar way did:

@override     protected list<bluetoothdevice> doinbackground(void... params) {         set<bluetoothdevice> paireddevices = mbtadapter.getbondeddevices();         list<bluetoothdevice> listdevices = new arraylist<bluetoothdevice>();         (bluetoothdevice device : paireddevices) {             listdevices.add(device);         }         return listdevices;      } 

then when select correct bluetooth device, set equal mmdevice:

mmdevice = device; 

then use method open bluetooth connection:

void openbt() throws ioexception{         uuid uuid = uuid.fromstring("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); //standard serialportservice id         mmsocket = mmdevice.createrfcommsockettoservicerecord(uuid);         mmsocket.connect();         mmoutputstream = mmsocket.getoutputstream();         mminputstream = mmsocket.getinputstream();          //optional         system.out.println("bluetooth opened");         toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "bluetooth opened", toast.length_short).show();     } 

the mmoutputstream sends data bluetooth module , mminputstream reads incoming data bluetooth module. have method send data bluetooth module:

void senddata(string m) throws ioexception{         string msg = m;         mmoutputstream.write(msg.getbytes());         system.out.println("data sent");     } 

this converts string bytes , sends arduino. on arduino side, can either say

if(bluetooth.available())   {     char c =;     serial.println(c);   } 

if reading single char or say:

if(bluetooth.available())       {         int data = bluetooth.parseint();         serial.println(data);       } 

to read integer value sent on bluetooth. hope helps. if need anything, don't hesitate ask.


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