vhdl - Vivado Including Black Box Module -
i have never come across problem before when uses black-boxes inside custom ip. instantiate , add custom ip project, , instantiate , add black box ip modules (the black boxes inside custom ip) project.
for reason getting classic
[project 1-486] not resolve non-primitive black box cell 'fx_thomas_core_0fx_thomas_core_0fx_thomas_core_0thomas_sub' instantiated 'subtractor' ["c:/users/sam/documents/zynq7020/fx_parallel_thomas_solver/fx_parallel_thomas_solver.srcs/sources_1/ip/fx_thomas_core_0/work/fxthomascore.srcs/sources_1/imports/sources_1/imports/sam/documents/zynq7020/thomas_solver_1.1/mult_sub_core.vhd":109]
here can see trying use black box subtractor inside custom ip, described above, have created , added subtractor ip (with correct name) project yet fails compile black box during implementation.
am missing project setting picks , replaces black box project ip?
just add clarity question:
project -> axi_perph -> my_ip(imported ip catalog) -> subtractor black box
the subtractor left black box in my_ip in projects have flexibility change algorithms used adding subtractor ip project (correctly named , pins matching of black box).
yet have tried can think of (even turning off black boxes , repacking my_ip) reason, vivado being stuborn , not finding it!
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