angularjs - Inserting duplicate value in indexeddb -

when insert on database , inserting same data twice.

table create

var ooptions = {     keypath: account.primarykey,     autoincrement: true }; var ostore = dbhandle.createobjectstore(account.tablename, ooptions);  var oixoptions = {     unique: false }; account.fields.foreach(function(item) {     ostore.createindex(item + "index", item, oixoptions); }); 


var defered = $q.defer(); try {     var objectstore = config.database.transaction(tablename, "readwrite").objectstore(tablename);     var result = objectstore.add(entity);     result.onerror = function(e) {         defered.reject("can't insert account");         throw e;     }     result.onsuccess = function(e) {         defered.resolve();     } } catch (e) {     defered.reject("can't insert account");     throw e; } return defered.promise; 


var defered = $q.defer(); try {     var req = $, 1.0);     req.onsuccess = function(evt) {         config.database =;         var transaction = config.database.transaction(account.tablename, idbtransaction.read_only);         var objectstore = transaction.objectstore(account.tablename);         var tmpdata = [];         objectstore.opencursor().onsuccess = function(event) {             var cursor =;             if (!cursor) {                 defered.resolve(tmpdata);                 return;             }             tmpdata.push(cursor.value);             cursor.continue();         };     } } catch (e) {     defered.reject("can't pull account");     throw e; } return defered.promise; 

any suggestion ??

this might less of problem indexeddb , more problem use of try/catch , promises. have tested without try/catch , without promises? rationale using promises here? consider don't need try/catch , don't need promises perform these simple tasks.


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