How to read/validate files from web address folder in c# -

i have read files web address folder have used below code ...i not getting list of files...

string pathuser = "http:/"; string pathdownload = path.combine(pathuser, @"20150302110215315197/20150401100536436792");  webclient client = new webclient(); stream stream = client.openread(pathdownload); streamreader reader = new streamreader(stream); 

but getting exception saying ===>the remote server returned error: (404) not found.

please me

what error means, url not found. should pretty easy debug , check combined path in debugger.

firstly don't think path.combine correct function use url's. path.combine used physical file paths. should using uri this.

uri baseuri = new uri("http:/"); uri downloaduri = new uri(baseuri, "20150302110215315197/20150401100536436792"); 

also, looks trying access 2 files in same url. if case, need change , download 1 file @ time.


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