c# - Cache an object for two subdomains in asp.net -

we have added few more sub domains our organisation's website. 1 sub domain dedicated admin things editing pages , content, 1 handles gallery , main 1 responsible displaying normal website. in own respective app pool.

the problem that, on normal webpage, have lot of pages load content database. fine in cases starting become problem. idea cache content displayed on webpages avoid having load database time. problem if create cache on webpage it's not shared other sub domains.

what way resolve , have cache shared between our sub domains? create sort of wcf/console-project running in background serving cache? create windows service?

since organisation don't have money go around , buying expensive solution not possible.

i think use redis cache http://redis.io/ caching solution. can run on same server (or dedicated one) , fast enough practical use cases.

all of webapps can share same instance of redis cache , using product being used larger community better reinventing own cache unless have specific need existing solution can't fulfil.


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