java - Calculating Average from a CSV File -

i have csv file, format follows:

city,job,salary delhi,doctors,500 delhi,lawyers,400 delhi,plumbers,100 london,doctors,800 london,lawyers,700 london,plumbers,300 tokyo,doctors,900 tokyo,lawyers,800 tokyo,plumbers,400 lawyers,doctors,300 lawyers,lawyers,400 lawyers,plumbers,500 hong kong,doctors,1800 hong kong,lawyers,1100 hong kong,plumbers,1000 moscow,doctors,300 moscow,lawyers,200 moscow,plumbers,100 berlin,doctors,800 berlin,plumbers,900 paris,doctors,900 paris,lawyers,800 paris,plumbers,500 paris,dog catchers,400

i want find average of total salaries.

this code:

` import*;

public class {

public static void main(string args[]) { a= new a();; }  public void run() { string csv="c:\\users\\dipayan\\desktop\\salaries.csv";         bufferedreader br = null; string line = ""; int sum=0; int count=0; //string a=new string();           try {              br = new bufferedreader(new filereader(csv));             try {                 while ((line = br.readline()) != null) {                          // use comma separator                     string[] country = line.split(",");                     int sal=integer.parseint(country[2]);                     sum=sum+sal;                          count++;                 //system.out.println("salary [job= " + country[0]                                    //        + " , salary=" + country[2] + "]");                  }             } catch (numberformatexception | ioexception e) {                 system.out.println("na");                 e.printstacktrace();             }           } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }           system.out.println(sum/count);           system.out.println("done");       }      }`  

but, showing error:

java.lang.numberformatexception: input string: "salary" @ java.lang.numberformatexception.forinputstring(unknown source) @ java.lang.integer.parseint(unknown source) @ java.lang.integer.parseint(unknown source) @ @ a.main( exception in thread "main" java.lang.arithmeticexception: / 0 @ @ a.main(`

is there better or short code parse csv file.

skip first line of csv file. additional


before while.

you might want add format checks sure file reading in correct format.


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