powershell - resolve object variable from foreach-object -
i'm trying extract files extention .sddb out of archives in folder extention .sdbz.
here how tried it:
from folder contains file test.sdbz
get-childitem -filter "*.sdbz" | foreach-object {.\7za.exe x $_.name -o *.sddb}
it seems $_.name not resolved becaus if use command
7za.exe x test.sdbz -o *.sddb
from command line works fine.
can me please? in advance!
first of all, replies. found error , solution.
i made mistake of thinking command works in cmd
work in powershell.
cmd version
"7za.exe x test.sdbz -o.\ *.sddb"
the -o.\
tell 7zip extract working directory.
it works in cmd not in powershell.
powershell version
here how solved it:
$workingdirectory = pwd dir -filter "*.sdbz" | foreach-object { .\7za.exe x $_.name -o"$workingdirectory" *.sddb}
so $_.name
part worked along. xd
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