c# - How to solve this exception "Could not find a setter for property 'ProductCode' in class ... " -

i getting following exception:

"could not find setter property 'productcode'in class ...orderitem.class " 

the property (productcode) 1 of table keys.

see how property declaration in class.

public class orderitem : entitybase {     public virtual short company { get; set; }     public virtual int order { get; set; }     public virtual string seri { get; set; }     public virtual string productcode { get; set; }     public virtual string crop { get; set; }  .  .  .  } 

below mapping.

public maporderitem()     {         table("iped");         compositeid()             .keyproperty(c => c.company, "c_emp")             .keyproperty(c => c.order, "p_ped")             .keyproperty(c => c.seri, "s_ped")             .keyproperty(c => c.productcode, "c_psv");         map(c => c.c_cfo).not.nullable();         map(c => c.anothercurrency).column("v_ipe");     .     .     .     } 

checked doubts similar mine, solutions not solve problem. tried perform mapping using

(c => c.productcode).access.readonly(); (c => c.productcode).access.field(); (c => c.productcode).readonly(); 

to run query directly in database, not show me error, correct data.


if executing sql nhibernate, verify alias name of column in sql. name should name property in class.

e.g. incorrect:

select product_id "productcode "  products 

see white space in alias name. can cause of error.

check alias name columns in sql.


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