c++ - "Disallowed system call: SYS_socketcall" when I try to solve the "sum the largest n integers in the array" programming challenge -

i'm trying come solution

sum n largest integers in array of integers every integer between 0 , 9

int sumnlargest(int* andata, int size, int n) 

programming challenge prompt, solution other obvious 1 of sorting copy of array , returning sum of last 9 elements.so tried writing linear solution below

#include <iostream>  int sumnlargest(int* andata, int size, int n) { // sum n largest integers in array of integers every integer between 0 , 9     int cntarr [] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};     (int = 0; < size; ++i) ++cntarr[andata[i]];     int sum = 0;     (int = size - 1; >= 0; --i)     {         sum += (n - cntarr[i]) >= 0 ?  cntarr[i] * : n * i;         --n;         if (n <= 0) break;     }        return sum; }   int main() {     int myarray [] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 15};     std::cout << sumnlargest(myarray, sizeof(myarray)/sizeof(int), 2);     return 0; } 

but i'm getting error

disallowed system call: sys_socketcall

see: http://codepad.org/uilgxdzq

is problem logic? if so, where? also, there more elegant linear solution should've done instead?

(and finally, realize solution assumes n >= size >= 1, think typical programming interview allows me make assumption don't have waste time writing bunch of error handling unexpected input)

your code invokes undefined behavior at

 (int = 0; < size; ++i)          ++cntarr[andata[i]];  

when access eleventh element (i = 10) because cntarr has 10 elements.
memory checker such addresssanitizer indicate immediately.

you're not calling system call create new socket but, result of undefined behavior, happen.


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