java - Spring's application context available everywhere - Set application context in a static variable -
instead of "struggling" inject or pass common spring beans everywhere needed, in non spring managed class, practice set spring's application context in static variable anywhere ? doing allow example jdbctemplate singleton in non spring managed class (or hibernate session factory). there reason not doing ?
for example :
@component public class springcontext implements applicationcontextaware { private static applicationcontext applicationcontext; @override public void setapplicationcontext(applicationcontext applicationcontext) throws beansexception { springcontext.applicationcontext = applicationcontext; } public static jdbctemplate getjdbctemplate() { return applicationcontext.getbean(jdbctemplate.class); } public static sessionfactory getsessionfactory() { return applicationcontext.getbean(sessionfactory.class); } public static session getcurrentsession() { sessionfactory sf = applicationcontext.getbean(sessionfactory.class); return sf.getcurrentsession(); } }
in class, not managed spring :
public class myclass { public integer method1() { string sql = "select 1 dual"; integer n = springcontext.getjdbctemplate().queryforobject(sql, integer.class); return n; } }
this seems counter spring's intended usage, , concept of dependency injection. whilst this, think better solution inject beans required.
i find practice initialise context once, reference 'root' bean, , bean application , contain references (directly or indirectly) every other bean in system.
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