WMI connection error C# -

using system; using system.management;  public class class1 {     public static void main()     {          string strcomputer = string.format(@"machinename.domainname\root\cimv2");         connectionoptions options = new connectionoptions();         options.enableprivileges = true;         options.impersonation = impersonationlevel.impersonate;         options.authentication = authenticationlevel.packet;         options.authority = "ntlmdomain:instil.com:instil.com";         options.username = "usr";         options.password = "pwd";          managementscope oms = new managementscope(strcomputer, options);          selectquery query =new selectquery("select * win32_directory name ='"+string.format(@"c:\scripts")+"'");         managementobjectsearcher osearcher = new managementobjectsearcher(oms,query);         managementobjectcollection oreturncollection = osearcher.get();          if (oreturncollection.count < 1)         {             console.writeline("folder not exist");         }         else         {             console.writeline("folder exist");         }      } } 

i'm trying connect remote machine , checking existence of folder.but i'm getting below mentioned error.

i tried , incorporated changes discussed in remote wmi connection c# - invalid parameter error

program abruptly stops working , throws below error:

unhandled exception: system.management.managementexception: invalid parameter    @ system.management.managementexception.throwwithextendedinfo(managementstat errorcode)    @ system.management.managementpath.createwbempath(string path)    @ system.management.managementpath..ctor(string path)    @ class1.main() 

you need backslashes before machine name. change this:

string strcomputer = string.format(@"machinename.domainname\root\cimv2"); 

to this:

string strcomputer = string.format(@"\\machinename.domainname\root\cimv2"); 


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