php - Inline "required" asterisk in Laravel form label -

i'm trying add red asterisk required fields in laravel, i'm not sure how add them inline label.

what i'm doing is

{{ form::label('took_act_or_sat' , 'did or take sat or act?' ) }} <span style="color: red">*</span> 

but when label wraps second line, reason asterisk being bumped line down.


so guess first part of question is: can add inline styling form label in laravel?

and second part is: there way should going adding asterisk (or other marker) wouldn't issue?

if it's relevant, i'm using bootstrap majority of styling if affects anything.

add class label third parameter

{{ form::label('took_act_or_sat' , 'did or take sat or act?', array('class' => 'required') ) }} 

and add asterisk css

<style>     .required:after{          content:'*';          color:red;          padding-left:5px;     } </style> 


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