wpf - PropertyChangedTrigger For Multiple Properties? -

is there way create propertychangedtrigger multiple properties share same conditions, sake of redundancy, without specifying conditions repeatedly each propertychangedtrigger?

for example, when propertya, propertyb , propertyc change, want command execute in viewmodel.

i thinking of extending propertychangedclass , adding dependency property of observable collection of bindings. turned out i'm not knowledgeable in how bindings monitored.

then saw of old code , saw multibinding. thought work. , did multivalueconverter increments static field. i'm not sure if best solution worked.

first multivalueconverter:

public class incrementonpropertychangedmulticonverter:imultivalueconverter { static uint _counter=0; #region imultivalueconverter members  public object convert(object[] values, type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture) {   _counter = _counter < uint.maxvalue ? _counter + 1 : 0;   return _counter; }  public object[] convertback(object value, type[] targettypes, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture) {   throw new notimplementedexception(); }  #endregion } 

then in xaml add multibinding instead of binding in propertychangedtrigger.

<i:interaction.triggers>     <ei:propertychangedtrigger>         <ei:propertychangedtrigger.binding>             <multibinding converter="{staticresource incrementonpropertychangedmulticonverter}">                 <binding path="property1" />                 <binding path="property2" />                 <binding path="propertyn" />             </multibinding>         </ei:propertychangedtrigger.binding>         <i:interaction.behaviors>             <ei:conditionbehavior>                 <ei:conditionalexpression>                     <ei:comparisoncondition leftoperand="{binding property1}"                                             operator="equal"                                             rightoperand="{binding property2}" />                 </ei:conditionalexpression>             </ei:conditionbehavior>         </i:interaction.behaviors>         <ei:changepropertyaction propertyname="background"                                  value="transparent" />     </ei:propertychangedtrigger> <i:interaction.triggers> 


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