bitcoin - bitcoinj Connect P2SH input transaction to the output transaction -

i have created p2sh address , send coins address

next want send coins 2n8xu6rnawssxtp2xpjstut2viwqopehr3r address.

how prepare p2sh transaction , connect output script?

public static void sendfromp2sh(walletappkit kit, address destadd, coin coin) throws addressformatexception, insufficientmoneyexception, executionexception, interruptedexception {     transaction tx = new transaction(testnet3params.get());     tx.addoutput(coin, destadd); //prepare destination output       wallet.sendrequest req = wallet.sendrequest.fortx(tx);      //todo prepare p2sh input output //     script script = p2shscript(kit); //2n8xu6rnawssxtp2xpjstut2viwqopehr3r     transactionoutput t = null;//... how connect p2sh input transaction output ?     tx.addinput(t);      kit.wallet().completetx(req);     kit.wallet().committx(req.tx);     kit.peergroup().broadcasttransaction(req.tx).get(); }      prepare script p2sh address  2n8xu6rnawssxtp2xpjstut2viwqopehr3r        public static script p2shscript(walletappkit kit) {             eckey pubclientkey = kit.wallet().getimportedkeys().get(0);             eckey pubserverkey = kit.wallet().getimportedkeys().get(1);             return scriptbuilder.createp2shoutputscript(1, immutablelist.of(pubclientkey, pubserverkey));         } 

thank you.

what following constructor?

public transactionoutput(networkparameters params, transaction parent, biginteger value, address to) 

inside code speculates on 'to' address check if multisig , creates output script appropriately.


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