Java can't show image [CANVAS] -

i making game in java , trying draw image on screen, nothing show ( black screen no errors ) :(

here code import image:

public static bitmap loadbitmap(string filename) {     try {         bufferedimage img =;          int w = img.getwidth();         int h = img.getheight();          bitmap result = new bitmap(w, h);         img.getrgb(0, 0, w, h, result.pixels, 0, w);         (int = 0; < result.pixels.length; i++) {             int in = result.pixels[i];             int col = (in & 0xf) >> 2;             if (in == 0xffff00ff) col = -1;             result.pixels[i] = col;         }         return result;     } catch (exception e) {         throw new runtimeexception(e);     } } 

and bitmap class:

public void draw(bitmap bitmap, int xoffs, int yoffs) {     for(int y = 0; y < bitmap.height; y++)     {         int ypix = y + yoffs;                if(ypix < 0 || ypix >= height) continue;          for(int x = 0; x < bitmap.width; x++)         {             int xpix = x + xoffs;             if(xpix < 0 || xpix >= width) continue;              int alpha = bitmap.pixels[x + y * bitmap.width];              if(alpha > 0)                 pixels[xpix + ypix * width] = bitmap.pixels[x + y * bitmap.width];         }     } } 

and draw of :

public void render(game game) {      for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)     {         float yd = ((y + 0.5f) - height / 2.0f) / height;          if(yd < 0) yd *= -1;          float z = 10 / yd;          for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)         {             float xd = (x - width / 2.0f) / height;              xd *= z;             int xx = (int) (xd) & 7;             int yy = (int) (z + game.time * 0.1f) & 7;              pixels[x + y * width] = art.floors.pixels[xx + yy * 64];         }     } } 

i have no errors! don't understand.. bug caused alpha or something? ho , image.png 64x64 made in


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