Memcached set_many and get_many failing when trying more than 100 k,v pairs in django..why? -

i'm have dictionary of data cache, use:

cache.set_many(dict_to_cache, ttl) 

for dictionary has more 100 entries, not seem set. no error thrown, , doesn't seem getting evicted, doesn't save. work around break dictionary 100 key chunks via method:

def dict_chunker(data, size=100):     = iter(data)     in xrange(0, len(data), size):         yield {k:data[k] k in islice(it, size)} 

that seems work fine, wondering make not set dictionaries on 100 entries?

i had same issue getting more 100 keys @ time.

dict = cache.get_many(list_of_keys) 

does know why happen?


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