jquery - Dynamic drop down menus using CSS and PHP/MySQL -

i want create dynamic drop down menu using php , mysql. menus ok not way wanted.

i want menu below (sorted vertically , limiting number of items vertically , horizontally)

enter image description here

i tried achieving per below code:

<?php foreach ($result $riw) { ?> <div class="four columns"> <li><a href="<?php echo $riw['fmprmlink']; ?>"><?php echo       $riw['remedy_name']; ?></a> </li> </div> <?php } ?> 

by above approach getting result not rquired

enter image description here

and without using <div class="four columns"> result below again not required

enter image description here

i want items arranged , shown alphabetically vertically.

a simple possibility of sorting first, second, etc. column.
can improved.
shows 1 of many possibilities.

<!doctype html> <html>     <head>         <meta charset="utf-8">         <title>4 columns</title>         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />     </head>     <body> <?php function setline($conte,$i,$count,$ilines){   $act1 = $i;    $act2 = 1*$ilines + $i;    $act3 = 2*$ilines + $i;   $act4 = 3*$ilines + $i;    echo "<li>".$conte[$act1]."</li>\n"; // 0   if ($act2 < $count){ echo "<li>".$conte[$act2]."</li>\n";}   if ($act3 < $count){ echo "<li>".$conte[$act3]."</li>\n";}   if ($act4 < $count){ echo "<li>".$conte[$act4]."</li>\n";} } //-----------main--------------- echo "<ul id=\"quad\">"; $anarry = array("css","xhtml","semantics","accessibility","usability","web standards","php","typography","grids","css3","html5"); sort($anarry); $count = count($anarry); $idiv = (int)($count/4); if ($count - ($idiv * 4)>0) {$ilines = $idiv+1;} else {$ilines = $idiv;}  ($i = 0; $i < $ilines; $i++) {       setline($anarry,$i,$count,$ilines); } echo "<ul/>"; ?>     </body> </html> 

enter image description here

next normal standard of 4 column list.
changed for loop.
sorted left right ( not op wants)

for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {       echo "<li>".$anarry[$i]."</li>\n";     } 

enter image description here

now know matrix ...

  1| 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 col| 1   2   3   4 ---|--------------- r 1| 0   3   6   9 o 2| 1   4   7   10 w 3| 2   5   8   11 

... can write simpler function.

function sortfor4c($cont,$i,$ilines,&$icol,&$irow){   echo "<li>".$cont[$icol * $ilines - $ilines + $irow -1]."</li>\n";   $icol++;   if ($icol > 4) {        $icol = 1;        $irow++;   }        } .... $icol = 1; $irow = 1;  ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {     sortfor4c($anarry,$i,$ilines,$icol,$irow); } 


body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{      margin:0;     padding:0; }  ol,ul{     list-style:none; }  body{     font-family:georgia, "times new roman", times, serif;     color:#333; }  ul{     width:760px;     margin-bottom:20px;     overflow:hidden;     border-top:1px solid #ccc; } li{     line-height:1.5em;     border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;     float:left;     display:inline; }  #quad li        { width:25%; } 


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