sql - Alter statement Conflict with foreign key, but ID exisits in both table -
i've 2 tables, here i'm trying insert fk relationship. but, i'm getting errors when try alter table create fk relationship please help... have club id in both tables, commented below, not sure why i'm still getting constraint error.
what causing constraint error?
create table [dbo].[clubs]( [clubid] [int] identity(1,1) not null, // clubid here [name] [nvarchar](128) not null, [description] [nvarchar](2047) null, [created] [datetime] not null, [modified] [datetime] null, constraint [pk_clubs] primary key clustered ( [clubid] asc )with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] go create table [dbo].[memberclubs]( [memberclubid] [int] identity(1,1) not null, [memberid] [bigint] not null, [clubid] [int] not null, //club id here constraint [pk_memberclubs] primary key clustered ( [memberclubid] asc )with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] go set identity_insert [dbo].[memberclubs] on go insert [dbo].[memberclubs] ([memberclubid], [memberid], [clubid]) values (1, 1, 1) go insert [dbo].[memberclubs] ([memberclubid], [memberid], [clubid]) values (2, 2, 1) go insert [dbo].[memberclubs] ([memberclubid], [memberid], [clubid]) values (3, 3, 1) go insert [dbo].[memberclubs] ([memberclubid], [memberid], [clubid]) values (4, 4, 1) go insert [dbo].[memberclubs] ([memberclubid], [memberid], [clubid]) values (5, 5, 1) go set identity_insert [dbo].[memberclubs] off go // *** error on here alter table [dbo].[memberclubs] check add constraint [fk_memberclubs_clubs] foreign key([clubid]) references [dbo].[clubs] ([clubid]) go // $$$ second fk constraint error on here alter table [dbo].[memberclubs] check constraint [fk_memberclubs_clubs] go alter table [dbo].[memberclubs] check add constraint [fk_memberclubs_members] foreign key([memberid]) references [dbo].[members] ([memberid]) go alter table [dbo].[memberclubs] check constraint [fk_memberclubs_members] go
the error:
msg 547, level 16, state 0, line * * * (above)
the alter table statement conflicted foreign key constraint "fk_memberclubs_clubs". conflict occurred in database "newdb", table "dbo.clubs", column 'clubid'.
msg 4917, level 16, state 0, line $$$ (above)
constraint 'fk_memberclubs_clubs' not exist.
msg 4916, level 16, state 0, line $$$ (above)
could not enable or disable constraint. see previous errors.
you add 5 rows table memberclubs
referencing club.clubid = 1
, before adding foreign key relationship clubs
so in order maintain referential integrity, you'll need add row clubid = 1
before adding / enabling foreign key constraint:
set identity_insert [dbo].[clubs] on insert [dbo].[clubs](clubid, name, description, created, modified) values (1, 'foo', 'bar', current_timestamp, current_timestamp) set identity_insert [dbo].[clubs] off
then foreign key creation succeeds:
alter table [dbo].[memberclubs] check add constraint [fk_memberclubs_clubs] foreign key([clubid]) references [dbo].[clubs] ([clubid]) go
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