c# How can i use class name in another class string -

given 2 following method definitions:

public int sumclass(int a, int b) {   return + b; }  public int multclass(int a, int b) {   return * b; } 

i able call either of methods using name of method string

public int process(string classname, int a, int b) {   // classname="sumclass" or classname="multclass"   return classname(a,b); } 

i show reflection approach want. won't because there better approach. why want that? because have different methods addition , multiplication. 1 better way to use enum:

public enum processtype {      multiplication,     addition,     division,     subtraction }  public int process(processtype processtype, int a, int b) {     switch (processtype)     {          case processtype.addition:             return sumclass(a, b);         case processtype.multiplication:             return multclass(a, b);          // ...     } } 

so if want sum 2 + 3:

int result = process(processtype.addition, 2, 3);   


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