How to combine associative arrays in bash? -
does know of elegant way combine 2 associative arrays in bash
normal array? here's i'm talking about:
in bash can combine 2 normal arrays follows:
declare -ar array1=( 5 10 15 ) declare -ar array2=( 20 25 30 ) declare -ar array_both=( ${array1[@]} ${array2[@]} ) item in ${array_both[@]}; echo "item: ${item}" done
i want same thing 2 associative arrays, following code not work:
declare -ar array1=( [5]=true [10]=true [15]=true ) declare -ar array2=( [20]=true [25]=true [30]=true ) declare -ar array_both=( ${array1[@]} ${array2[@]} ) key in ${!array_both[@]}; echo "array_both[${key}]=${array_both[${key}]}" done
it gives following error:
./ line 3: array_both: true: must use subscript when assigning associative array
the following work-around came with:
declare -ar array1=( [5]=true [10]=true [15]=true ) declare -ar array2=( [20]=true [25]=true [30]=true ) declare -a array_both=() key in ${!array1[@]}; array_both+=( [${key}]=${array1[${key}]} ) done key in ${!array2[@]}; array_both+=( [${key}]=${array2[${key}]} ) done declare -r array_both key in ${!array_both[@]}; echo "array_both[${key}]=${array_both[${key}]}" done
but hoping i'm missing grammar allow one-liner assignment shown in non-working example.
i don't have one-liner either here different 'workaround' might using string convertion. it's 4 lines, i'm 3 semi-colons answer wanted!
declare -ar array1=( [5]=true [10]=true [15]=true ) declare -ar array2=( [20]=true [25]=true [30]=true ) # convert associative arrays string a1="$(declare -p array1)" a2="$(declare -p array2)" #combine 2 strings trimming necessary array_both_string="${a1:0:${#a1}-3} ${a2:21}" # create new associative array string eval "declare -a array_both="${array_both_string#*=} # show array definition key in ${!array_both[@]}; echo "array_both[${key}]=${array_both[${key}]}" done
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