java - How to return "result" from one class to a defined class? -
i working viewpager
i.e on top of mainactivity
class , viewpager
class extends fragment.
the problem that, when need class return result
while passing intent
use startactivityforresult(intent,int)
hence passes result captured in secondactivity class it's been called.
but working viewpager on top of mainactivity , using floating action button
, when click button open second activity returns result mainactivity not viewpager class.
so question how can pass result taken secondactivity desired class?
main class using intent receiving result second activity class activitytwo
what have done here
startactivityforresult(intent,1); public void onactivityresult(i,j,intent){myfragment fragment; fragment.onactivityreusult(i,j,intent);//here have passes values received class fragment class need values it's not working }
you can use bundle. take @ topic : bundle
bookdescfragment = new bookdescfragment(); bundle args = new bundle(); args.putint(bookdescfragment.myvariabl, variablevalue); myfragment.setarguments(args);
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