jena - How could I get all the informations of an OntClass? -
i working on ontologies issues. code in java , i'm using jena in order manipulate rdf/turtle files. collect informations of ontclass knowing name. example, have ontclass:
@prefix isys: <http://myonto.installsys/rule#> . isys:rule rdf:type owl:class ; rdfs:comment "design principle rules used in sidp documents"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "rule"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subclassof owl:thing ; owl:equivalentclass [ rdf:type owl:restriction ; owl:onproperty ata:ata_number ; owl:somevaluesfrom xsd:integer ; ] ; owl:equivalentclass [ rdf:type owl:restriction ; owl:onproperty isys:number ; owl:somevaluesfrom xsd:integer ; ] ; owl:equivalentclass [ rdf:type owl:restriction ; owl:onproperty isys:object_1_a ; owl:somevaluesfrom xsd:string ; ] ; .
and suppose have prefix , rule can
ontclass rule = onto.getontclass("http://myonto.installsys/rule#rule");
i aware can use functions listequivalentclass
or listsublclasse
but know if there way know informations "one" function or have explicitly ?
thank you, if need more explications glad discuss
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